Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: January 23, 2014 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 7-d <br /> SUBJECT: Potential Orange County Fair— Conceptual Plan and Follow-Up <br /> DEPARTMENT: County Manager, AMS, PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br /> Cooperative Extension, <br /> DEAPR, EDC, Visitor's Bureau <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Conceptual Plan and Follow-up with Commissioner Mark Dorosin, 245-2130 <br /> Budget Commissioner Renee Price, 245-2130 <br /> Possible Layout of County Fair Manager Michael Talbert, 245-2300 <br /> County Fair Working Group Staff <br /> PURPOSE: To report back to the Board on questions and follow-up information requested at <br /> the November 12, 2013 work session on the County Fair Working Group report. <br /> BACKGROUND: On June 18, 2013 the Board of Commissioners appointed Commissioners <br /> Mark Dorosin and Renee Price to work with the County Manager's office and directors from <br /> several departments to develop an outline and basic information on a possible County fair. The <br /> Working Group met on five occasions to develop its report, participating in conference calls and <br /> site visits to potential fair locations, and receiving advice and feedback from the County Fair <br /> Coordinator from the NC Department of Agriculture. Members of the group visited other fairs <br /> and spoke to event organizers and representatives of other festivals and events. <br /> The efforts culminated with an October 30, 2013 Information-Sharing Session held at the Solid <br /> Waste Operations Center meeting room on Eubanks Road, where 30 residents and interested <br /> parties attended a meeting and discussed the value of a possible fair, possible components and <br /> activities, locations, and what organizations or persons should be involved in further event <br /> planning. <br /> This information, along with a distillation of previous conversations and discussions, was <br /> compiled into the Working Group report, which was presented at the November 12, 2013 work <br /> session. Additional outreach was conducted on the themes and ideas of the Working Group. <br /> The Working Group report, presented November 12, identified the following primary findings or <br /> themes are proposed for the Board's consideration: <br />