ORD-2013-007 Ordinance Denying Amendment to OC Comp. Plan, UDO and Zoning Atlas
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2013-007 Ordinance Denying Amendment to OC Comp. Plan, UDO and Zoning Atlas
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Last modified
3/13/2019 8:51:03 AM
Creation date
6/2/2014 2:24:06 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 02-05-2013 - 6b
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• Also continue to acknowledge the importance of providing sidewalks and facilities for <br /> other modes of transportation. <br /> • Pursue opportunities to advance these ideas and ways counties can implement them at <br /> the State level. <br /> Manager's Recommendation <br /> • Receive the Planning Board's recommendation of approval with changes (require <br /> interconnecting walkways) <br /> • Close the public hearing <br /> • Deliberate as necessary and decide accordingly <br /> -Manager recommends adoption of the staff-recommended ordinance in Attachment 2 <br /> and the Resolution of Consistency in Attachment 4 <br /> Chair Jacobs clarified that if the Board follows staff recommendation, attachments 2 <br /> and 4 will be adopted and if the Board follows the Planning Board's recommendation, <br /> attachments 3 and 4 will be adopted. <br /> Perdita Holtz said this is correct. <br /> Commissioner McKee questioned why approval of either recommendation would not <br /> put the area in the sidewalk business. <br /> Perdita Holtz said the internal pedestrian system would be private for use of <br /> development residents only, but it would not be open to the public or interconnected to <br /> adjacent parcels. She said that the sidewalks would be owned and maintained by the property <br /> owners. <br /> Frank Clifton said with the alternative of a small office or shopping complex which <br /> would provide walkways to get to and from the complex from the parking area and again, <br /> would be maintained by the property owners. He said that there were just so many hurdles <br /> with sidewalks when the county does not have a public works department. He said that it is an <br /> issue to be looked at further; the state has given the county permission to get into the sidewalk <br /> business, but no revenue to do so. <br /> Commissioner Price said, with regards to the sidewalks in a small development, she <br /> wondered if this would be a requirement for every development. <br /> Perdita Holtz said it would be a sidewalk in the public right of way and would be <br /> provided by the developer. <br /> Commissioner Price questioned if it would it be a requirement for builders <br /> Perdita Holtz said it would not be frontage and the language does give the Planning <br /> Board Director some leeway in the site review process. <br /> Commissioner Price questioned if the sidewalk has to be concrete or could just be extra <br /> shoulder width. <br /> Perdita Holtz said the Unified Development Ordinance does not specify a material, but <br /> the sidewalk would just have to be designated in some way. <br /> Commissioner Price said when the planning board was discussing this, did they have <br /> any specific ideas about sidewalk versus extra right-of-way areas on the road. <br /> Perdita Holtz said that it had started out as a right-of-way discussion but this did not <br /> mesh with DOT standards for sidewalks. She said the discussion then turned to how to have <br /> sidewalk on private property for public use, but specific materials were not discussed. This <br /> was left open so as to be site specific and determined during the site plan review process. <br />
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