Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> statutes behind each section; and representatives from the Orange County Human Relations <br /> Commission as well as a number of tenants—some who began this project, some who were <br /> part of the bi-lingual fair housing workshops, and some who were tenants directed to us from <br /> other tenants and government agencies. <br /> This work began because of tenants— it was edited because of tenant input and it is before you <br /> tonight because tenants all over Orange County need to know that they have the right to safe, <br /> decent housing. <br /> The tenants we met from around the county and at the workshops -they now have a voice in <br /> how they will be treated and a document that is a clear and concise explanation of tenants' <br /> rights. They have a resource list which directs them to people who can help enforce these <br /> rights. <br /> But it does so much more —this validates the voice of these tenants and has empowered them <br /> to protect their right to live in safe, decent housing. <br /> We are here tonight to ask that you continue to support ALL the tenants in our county by <br /> endorsing this Declaration and providing a means to distribute it and determine some measure <br /> of accountability for landlords not following the guide and those that are complying with the <br /> guide. <br /> We believe that all tenants should have the same information these tenants now have to protect <br /> themselves and their families. We look forward to the opportunity to have you all hear the <br /> stories of the tenants. You can help us do that. Thank you. <br /> Joe Polich, Human Resources Commission (HRC) member, thanked Tish Galu and <br /> Delores Bailey on behalf of the HRC. He said HRC agreed at their last meeting to recommend <br /> that the Board of County Commissioners adopt this resolution. <br /> Bob Ireland, HRC member, said he has been on the HRC for two years, and this is the <br /> most important piece of work that the group has done. He said if this does nothing else, it <br /> clarifies what the law is and where it can be found. <br /> Marshall Morris said, on behalf of an old navy veteran, thanks for the upcoming <br /> proclamation. He also introduced Sharron Hinton from the Department of Social Services <br /> (DSS). <br /> Sharron Hinton introduced the new Veterans Services Officer, Betsy Corbett. <br /> Betsy Corbett said she is happy to be in this position. She noted that she works out of <br /> DSS, but she is also working out of both senior centers. She invited the Board to attend a <br /> Veteran's breakfast. <br /> Don O'Leary said he received an email regarding the handling of Obamacare. He <br /> volunteered to help out with this. He said he would like to instruct the public on how to tell the <br /> federal government what to do with Obamacare. He said there are many issues to nullify in <br /> North Carolina, such as ICLEI. <br /> He said the 2013 Army manual prohibits donations to evangelist Christian organizations. <br /> He said he is a Christian, and as of yesterday he became an ordained minister. <br /> He said ICLEI is leading the nation deeper into this hole and it is time to tell them no. <br />