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13 <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the similarity with the joint plan used with Carrboro and <br /> Chapel Hill is the process; however the land use categories are not the same. <br /> Tom Altieri said the categories are not the same but it is a similar construct. He said <br /> Chapel Hill and Carrboro have 10 and 20 year transition areas, and that is the broad <br /> designation. He said there is a joint land use plan that includes all of the other land use <br /> classifications in the plan being presented. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she wanted to make sure these uses were confined to this <br /> plan only. <br /> She noted that the ETJ swap will be done next. She asked which map best explains <br /> what the land use categories will be. She referred to several maps and asked which would <br /> best explain what will be in Orange County's section. <br /> Tom Altieri said these areas can be seen on one of the maps, but the ETJ swap phase <br /> has not been reached. He said specific maps identifying those specific parcels will be brought <br /> back once the swap phase is reached, including prescribed land uses. <br /> He said the ETJ areas that will become part of the town are provided on the joint land <br /> use plan; however this does not show the ETJ areas on the west side of town that will be <br /> relinquished to the County. He said these are the areas adjacent to the Eno River that would <br /> be classified as agricultural/residential, with a series of watershed and resource protection <br /> overlays. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she did not understand the significance of ratifying the land <br /> use plan before the comprehensive plan amendments are made. <br /> Tom Altieri said this becomes the joint land use plan for all of the areas within the urban <br /> services boundary for this Hillsborough and Orange County plan. He said the construct will not <br /> be fully implemented until the references are made in the 2030 comprehensive plan land use <br /> elements section identifying the urban services area, the Orange County urbanizing area and <br /> the Hillsborough urbanizing area. <br /> He said it has become very clear to staff that it would be too confusing to go through the <br /> ETJ adjustment process and also bring the 2030 comprehensive plan amendments at the same <br /> time. <br /> Commissioner Gordon referred to attachment 5 and asked which map is being <br /> approved. <br /> Tom Altieri said pages 10-13 are being approved. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is convinced that some soils will support one housing unit <br /> per acre. He said it is irrelevant whether a 10 acre development with five houses has houses <br /> on 2 acre lots, or one acre lots with 5 acres of open space. He said the land cost component <br /> remains the same, and this drives the cost of housing in Orange County. He does not see how <br /> striking the 2 acre minimum lot size does anything favorable to the affordability of housing in <br /> Orange County. He said the better option is to tie minimum lot size to soil carrying capacity, as <br /> it relates to septic. He said this could potentially allow a 10 acre development to carry ten <br /> houses, which would reduce the cost of the houses. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the point of clustering is that it is cheaper per unit, because there is <br /> less infrastructure. <br /> He said the idea of using carrying capacity as the standard is one that could be <br /> implemented in the future, but it would be a tremendous undertaking. <br /> Commissioner Price agreed with Chair Jacobs. She said cluster homes reduce costs <br /> and create lower income housing. She cluster homes are also beneficial for"age in place" <br /> residents. She said she supports this change. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said water capacity is also a factor in zoning. She said there <br /> are rural areas that are zoned according to water recharge rates. She said these rates vary, <br /> and there are areas of Orange County that could not support the higher density building. <br />