Orange County NC Website
M <br />At the May 8, 2014 regular meeting, the Board expressed a desire to step back and review all <br />options to fund the County's rural curbside recycling program at the May 13, 2014 Work <br />Session. The Board noted that it was important to include the County's partners to find a <br />comprehensive county -wide solution to recycling, which could be a component of a new Solid <br />Waste Interlocal Agreement. It is desirable that an equitable county -wide recycling solution will <br />be implemented by Fiscal 2015/2016 to preserve Solid Waste reserves to fund future <br />Closure /Post Closure costs. Recycling Options that were available and discussed in 2013 have <br />not changed. However; the Towns have agreed to levy both an Urban and Multifamily curbside <br />recycling fee for Fiscal 2014/2015. <br />The Board requested the following information: <br />Issues to be discussed at May 13, 2014 Work Session <br />• Discussion of Frequently Asked Questions from the Public Hearings (see <br />Attachment 9) <br />• Does the County want to continue Rural Curbside Recycling, and if so, <br />what is the customer base - the existing rural district (13,700 customers) <br />and /or additional customers <br />• How does the County fund Rural Curbside Recycling for Fiscal 2014/2015 <br />• Recycling and Solid Waste issues with the County's partners <br />• Other ways to provide recycling services and look at options <br />• New Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement <br />• A stable funding source for recycling that is fair and equitable <br />• Discuss different options for servicing high density rural residential clusters. <br />including costs /benefit analysis <br />Decisions by July 1, 2014: <br />• Does the County want to continue Rural Curbside Recycling, and if so, <br />what is the customer base, the existing rural district (13,700 customers) <br />and /or additional customers <br />• How does the County fund Rural Curbside Recycling for Fiscal 2014/2015 <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact to the County in discussing funding options <br />for the County's Recycling Programs. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive the information <br />and provide guidance to staff. Board members may find it beneficial to bring the May 8, <br />2014 meeting paper copies of Item 7 -f to the May 13f work session as reference <br />documents. Item 7 -f can also be accessed electronically at <br />http: / / orange /occierks /140508.pdf (starting on electronic page 445 of the <br />link). <br />