Orange County NC Website
Attachment 4: Resolution Reprioritizing Order of Projects for the DCHC Priority List 10 <br />(RES- 2014 -040) <br />2 Orange Grove Road Extension: Extend Orange Grove Road (SR 1006) from the east side of <br />South Churton Street (SR 1009) to U.S. 70 Business. <br />This project was submitted and scored as a reprioritized highway project to be considered for <br />inclusion in the DCHC MPO regional priority list and MTIP as well as the 2016 -2022 STIP. <br />3 NC 86 Improvements North of Hillsborough: Widen NC 86 from U.S. 70 Bypass to north of NC <br />57 to four (4) lanes with intersection improvements at U.S. 70 Bypass and NC 57. <br />This project was submitted and scored as a reprioritized highway project to be considered for <br />inclusion in the DCHC MPO regional priority list and MTIP as well as the 2016 -2022 STIP. <br />4 U.S. 70 East/1 -85 Connector: Modify the 1 -85 Connector (SR 1239) interchange at U.S. 70 to <br />provide access from all directions. <br />This project was submitted and scored as a reprioritized highway project to be considered for <br />inclusion in the DCHC MPO regional priority list and MTIP as well as the 2016 -2022 STIP. <br />5 Eno Mountain Road /Mayo Street at Orange Grove Road: Realign the intersection of Eno <br />Mountain Road (SR 1148) and Mayo Street (SR 1192) with Orange Grove Road (SR 1006) <br />and make safety improvements. <br />This project was submitted and scored as a reprioritized highway project for consideration of <br />inclusion in the DCHC MPO regional priority list and MTIP as well as the 2016 -2022 STIP. <br />6 Homestead Road Bike Lanes and Sidewalks: Improve Homestead Road (SR 1777) from Old <br />NC 86 (SR 1009) to NC 86 to include bicycle lanes and sidewalks in sections of the corridor <br />where they do not exist. <br />This project was submitted and scored as a reprioritized highway project for consideration of <br />inclusion in the DCHC MPO regional priority list and MTIP as well as the 2016 -2022 STIP. <br />7 1 -40 Widening: Widen 1 -40 from four (4) lanes to six (6) lanes from the 1- 40/1 -85 interchange to <br />the Durham County line. <br />This project was submitted and scored as a reprioritized highway project for consideration of <br />inclusion in the DCHC MPO regional priority list and MTIP as well as the 2016 -2022 STIP. <br />8 1 -85 Widening: Widen 1 -85 from four (4) lanes to six (6) lanes from the 1- 40/1 -85 interchange to <br />the Durham County line. <br />This project was submitted and scored as a reprioritized highway project for consideration of <br />inclusion in the DCHC MPO regional priority list and MTIP as well as the 2016 -2022 STIP. <br />9 Eubanks Road Bike Lanes: Construct bicycle lanes on Eubanks Road (SR 1727) from Old NC <br />86 (SR 1009) to NC 86. <br />This project was submitted and scored as a highway project for consideration of inclusion in <br />the DCHC MPO regional priority list and MTIP as well as the 2016 -2022 STIP. <br />