Agenda - 06-03-2014 - 7d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-03-2014 - 7d
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Last modified
6/3/2015 4:24:04 PM
Creation date
5/30/2014 3:17:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 06-03-2014
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
RES-2014-038 Resolution Amending Joint Planning Land Use Plan and Joint Planning Agreement to Allow for the Possibility of Locating Appropriate Agricultural Support Enterprises in the Rural Buffer Land Use Classification
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2014
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R <br />PAGE 60 -a —JPA LAND USE PLAN <br />The Rural Buffer is defined as being a low- density area consisting of single - family homes situated on <br />large lots having a minimum size of two (2) acres. The Rural Buffer is further defined as land which, although <br />adjacent to an Urban or Transition Area, is rural in character and which will remain rural, <br />resideRtial-qsec and not require urban services (public utilities and other Town services). The Rural Buffer is <br />expected to contain low density residential uses as-Avetkas agricultural uses, and agricultural support <br />uses2% T "° a r °' a.°r and consists of the following Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan categories: Rural <br />Residential and Agricultural; dal; Public- Private Open Space; Resource Conservation; New Hope <br />Creek Corridor Open Space; Extractive Use; and the overlay category designated University Lake Watershed <br />Area. <br />Rural Residential and Agricultural Areas are low- density areas consisting of single - family homes <br />situated on large lots twe ° ^res .n °r nr ° ° + °r with a minimum lot size of two acres except when part of a size <br />cluster subdivision and then adhering to a density limit of 1 unit for every 2 acres of property. Cluster <br />subdivisions, reducing parcels to at least 1 acre in area are allowed so long as density limits for the entire <br />subdivision are maintained. In that respect, Rural Residential Areas are identical to the definition of the Rural <br />Buffer. The area includes property supporting farming operations including forestry activities established in <br />accordance with the provisions of the North Carolina General Statutes. <br />r:r��l +nr�l A <br />An r <br />r use valuefaxatiGR UrnnG° <br />Public- Private Open Space Areas include major land areas owned or controlled by public and <br />private interests in the Rural Buffer. Such holdings as Duke Forest, Camp New Hope, U.S. Government <br />lands associated with Jordan Lake, the 100 -foot buffer along 1 -40, and Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br />lands adjacent to University Lake and the quarry site on N.C. Highway 54 provide open space through <br />research, educational, forest management, and recreational functions. <br />Resource Conservation Areas in the Rural Buffer are identical to those in the Transition Areas; i.e., <br />floodplains, wetlands along drainage tributaries, and steep slope areas (15% or greater). The areas form the <br />basis for a parks and open space system (see Strategy Map) which provided the framework within which <br />other land uses are situated. <br />New Hope Creek Corridor Open Space Areas include some of the Resource Protection Areas and <br />a portion of the Public /Private Open Space Areas which were designated as significant and worthy of <br />protection according to the New Hope Corridor Open Space Master Plan completed in April of 1991. (See <br />Master Plan Map following Strategy Maps). The areas are part of a system of open space in Durham and <br />Orange Counties along New Hope Creek and its tributaries between Eno River State Park and U.S. Army <br />Corps of Engineers land north and south of Jordan Lake. This category is made up of critical environmental <br />areas such as steam beds, floodplains, steep slopes, and larger tracts of historic, educational, or recreational <br />value. <br />Extractive Use Areas encompass mining and quarry operations. Only one such site exists in the <br />Rural Buffer, the American Stone Company quarry on N.C. Highway 54 west of Carrboro. <br />Retail Trade Areas in the Rural Buffer include low intensity neighborhood centers which serve the <br />immediate area and generate low traffic volumes. Only one such area is designated in the Rural Buffer — <br />Blackwood station on N.C. Highway 86. <br />1 Red text is related to a separate amendment that is proposing to amend the same paragraph. The <br />amendment necessary for Agricultural Support uses is shown in blue text <br />
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