Agenda - 06-03-2014 - 7c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-03-2014 - 7c
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Last modified
6/2/2015 2:39:09 PM
Creation date
5/30/2014 3:13:37 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 06-03-2014
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
RES-2014-037 Resolution Amending Joint Planning Land Use Plan and Joint Planning Agreement - Clarify Density and Required Minimum Lot Size(s) and Allow For Cluster Subdivisions Throughout the Rural Buffer
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2014
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I Chair Jacobs referred to the clustering option and thanked the staff for bringing it <br />2 forward. He said this is a gracious form of sprawl. He said the County loses the capacity to <br />3 have significant connected open space and smaller yards. He said he has been asking for this <br />4 for a long time. He said there has been frustration by this, and there has been hesitation to <br />5 open the discussion about the rural buffer, but he trusts the wisdom of his colleagues. He thinks <br />6 the County can do a better job, and he thinks this is a step in the right direction. He hopes this <br />7 goes forward. <br />8 Alderman Haven O'Donnell referred to the comments by Bolton Anthony. She said there <br />9 are people in Carrboro that have been there a long time and are discussing an elder co- housing <br />10 concept. She said this is not possible in Carrboro, as the lots are not large enough. She asked, <br />11 if this was to go forward, if there would be flexibility for these kinds of special uses. <br />12 Michael Harvey said his opinion is no, because there would still be a one acre minimum <br />13 lot size with clustering. <br />14 Alderman Haven O'Donnell said the County is rapidly approaching a time, with baby <br />15 boomers retiring, when a wise use of land makes sense. She questioned whether the County is <br />16 missing an opportunity to purposefully create an environment where transitional and affordable <br />17 housing would work. <br />18 Michael Harvey said it would require the efforts of the elected boards to put that type of <br />19 flexibility in the proposed document. <br />20 Chair Jacobs noted that the County's minimum lot size is .92 acres. <br />21 Michael Harvey said there are areas in Orange County where water and sewer are <br />22 available, and high density projects are encouraged and promoted. He said some of the <br />23 projects Alderman Haven O'Donnell is suggesting could be developed through established <br />24 processes; however this cannot be done in the current rural buffer. <br />25 Commissioner McKee said he supports the plan overall, but his only concern is the one <br />26 dwelling for every 5 acres in the University Lake Watershed. He said he is concerned about the <br />27 issue of affordability. He said with this limitation and the land prices in that area, there is no talk <br />28 of affordable houses — only mansions. <br />29 Council Member Ward asked for an explanation of why the County could not create the <br />30 ability to have smaller lot sizes. <br />31 Michael Harvey said the reason for the lot size requirements is the availability of active <br />32 repair septic and wells that require a 50 foot setback from structures and septic systems. He <br />33 said the lot sizes can vary dramatically in areas that have water and sewer. <br />34 Council Member Palmer said she understands the need for the septic system to support <br />35 the population. She questioned having the land and clustering the people. She referenced the <br />36 example of co- housing for the elderly. She said the homes in this setting are more like little <br />37 apartments that open into common areas. She asked if this would be permitted, as you still <br />38 have the density. <br />39 Michael Harvey said there are areas in the County where that concept would work, but <br />40 this would not work in the rural buffer unless this elected body wants to change this plan. <br />41 Council Member Palmer asked if this means changing the plan to allow clustering to <br />42 have lots of half an acre as long as the density is maintained. <br />43 Michael Harvey said that is one thing that would have to change, but there are many <br />44 more changes that would have to occur, and he is not prepared to discuss that this evening. <br />45 Council Member Palmer asked if it is possible in much of the rest of the County. <br />46 Michael Harvey said yes. He said there are existing subdivision categories that give <br />47 people the option to go through a process to create exactly what Council Member Palmer is <br />48 talking about. He said most of these are in areas where water and sewer are available. <br />49 Alderman Seils said he has concern about any reduction of lot sizes. He said these <br />50 discussions are describing an urban area, and the purpose of the rural buffer is to not be an <br />51 urban area. He said he is not interested in changing the rural buffer to an urban area. <br />W <br />
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