Agenda - 06-03-2014 - 7c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-03-2014 - 7c
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Last modified
6/2/2015 2:39:09 PM
Creation date
5/30/2014 3:13:37 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 06-03-2014
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
RES-2014-037 Resolution Amending Joint Planning Land Use Plan and Joint Planning Agreement - Clarify Density and Required Minimum Lot Size(s) and Allow For Cluster Subdivisions Throughout the Rural Buffer
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2014
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MCI <br />PAGE 83 — JPA LAND USE PLAN <br />Open Space Areas which are designated as significant and worthy of protection according <br />to the New Hope Corridor Open Space Master Plan completed in April of 1991. (See <br />Master Plan Map following Strategy Maps). The areas are part of a system of open space in <br />Durham and Orange Counties along New Hope Creek and its tributaries between Eno River <br />State Park and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers land north of Jordan Lake. This category is <br />made up of critical environmental areas such as stream beds, floodplains, steep slopes, and <br />larger tracts of historic, educational, or recreational value. The New Hope Corridor Open <br />Space Master Plan describes these areas in detail and makes specific recommendations as <br />to how they should be protected or utilized for environmental, educational, and /or <br />recreational purposes. <br />Arm 2 <br />*University Lake Watershed Area <br />*Amended <br />4/2/90 <br />The University Lake Watershed Area includes all lands which drain into the University Lake reservoir. <br />Density within this area is limited to 1 dwelling unit for every 5 acres with a required minimum lot size <br />of 2 acres. Based on a preferred watershed protection strategy of land use controls as recommended <br />by Camp, Dresser and McKee in the University Lake Watershed Study, only low- intensity residential <br />uses are permitted. ^ minim m Int size of <br />five (5) acres is FequiFed Fir on„ development. Cluster subdivisions with lot sizes of not less than one <br />(1) acre are also allowed so long as density limits are adhered to. There is an allowance for as well <br />as the creation of of 5 lots at a density of 1 unit per 2 acres for <br />property legally in existence as of October 2 1989.4 Additional lots shall be allowed consistent with <br />the 1 unit per 5 acre density as detailed herein. <br />2 Some of this information has been relocated to the renamed Rural Residential and Agricultural section of the <br />Plan and is denoted in green underlined bold text on the next page. <br />3 The minimum lot size in the Rural Buffer is 2 acres. Density (i.e. how many residences allowed on a given <br />property) has always been limited to 1 dwelling unit for every 5 acres of property. With this amendment Staff <br />is moving density language to the front portion of the description so that it is understood what the limit it. We <br />are also indicating the required minimum lot size for the area is 2 acres. <br />4 Staff is adding the specific date a lot has to have existed on to qualify for the 2 acre density allowance. <br />5 Staff has ensured the language describing the University Lake Watershed Area is consistent throughout the <br />Plan. <br />
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