Agenda - 06-03-2014 - 7c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-03-2014 - 7c
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6/2/2015 2:39:09 PM
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5/30/2014 3:13:37 PM
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Minutes 06-03-2014
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
RES-2014-037 Resolution Amending Joint Planning Land Use Plan and Joint Planning Agreement - Clarify Density and Required Minimum Lot Size(s) and Allow For Cluster Subdivisions Throughout the Rural Buffer
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2014
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10 <br />PAGE 60 -a — JPA LAND USE PLAN <br />The Rural Buffer is defined as being a low- density area consisting of single - family homes situated on <br />large lots having a minimum size of two (2) acres. The Rural Buffer is further defined as land which, although <br />adjacent to an Urban or Transition Area, is rural in character and which will remain rural, GGAta <br />resmden +i-.1 uses, and not require urban services (public utilities and other Town services). The Rural Buffer is <br />expected to contain low density residential uses as well as agricultural uses The oural Buffer and consists of <br />the following Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan categories: Rural Residential and Agricultural; AgFiGWItWpali 2 <br />Public- Private Open Space; Resource Conservation; New Hope Creek Corridor Open Space; Extractive Use; <br />and the overlay category designated University Lake Watershed Area. <br />Rural Residential and Agricultural Areas are low- density areas consisting of single - family homes <br />situated on large lots to °Gres ?R s ?z° or (eater with a minimum lot size of two acres except when part of a <br />cluster subdivision and then adhering to a density limit of 1 unit for every 2 acres of property. Cluster <br />subdivisions reducing parcels to at least 1 acre in area are allowed so long as density limits for the entire <br />subdivision are maintained. s In that respect, Rural Residential Areas are identical to the definition of the <br />Rural Buffer. The area includes property supporting farming operations including forestry activities, <br />established in accordance with the provisions of the North Carolina General Statutes. <br />n ualiN fnr n e 1'sted-fnr 11ap tpvim Linn nnrnnc oc <br />Public- Private Open Space Areas include major land areas owned or controlled by public and <br />private interests in the Rural Buffer. Such holdings as Duke Forest, Camp New Hope, U.S. Government <br />lands associated with Jordan Lake, the 100 -foot buffer along 1 -40, and Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br />lands adjacent to University Lake and the quarry site on N.C. Highway 54 provide open space through <br />research, educational, forest management, and recreational functions. <br />Resource Conservation Areas in the Rural Buffer are identical to those in the Transition Areas; i.e., <br />floodplains, wetlands along drainage tributaries, and steep slope areas (15% or greater). The areas form the <br />basis for a parks and open space system (see Strategy Map) which provided the framework within which <br />other land uses are situated. <br />New Hope Creek Corridor Open Space Areas include some of the Resource Protection Areas and <br />a portion of the Public /Private Open Space Areas which were designated as significant and worthy of <br />protection according to the New Hope Corridor Open Space Master Plan completed in April of 1991. (See <br />Master Plan Map following Strategy Maps). The areas are part of a system of open space in Durham and <br />Orange Counties along New Hope Creek and its tributaries between Eno River State Park and U.S. Army <br />Corps of Engineers land north and south of Jordan Lake. This category is made up of critical environmental <br />areas such as steam beds, floodplains, steep slopes, and larger tracts of historic, educational, or recreational <br />value. <br />Extractive Use Areas encompass mining and quarry operations. Only one such site exists in the <br />Rural Buffer, the American Stone Company quarry on N.C. Highway 54 west of Carrboro. <br />2 County governments do not have the authority to restrict the location of agricultural activities while <br />municipalities can regulate farms located within their corporate limits. Agricultural activities, as defined within <br />State law, are allowed in all areas subject to the Plan. Staff is clarifying existing language accordingly and <br />eliminating references to `Agricultural Areas' as being a separate Plan land use category and combining it <br />with the Rural Residential Land Use Category <br />3 Cluster subdivisions are allowed throughout the County, including the University Lake Watershed Area, with <br />the exception of the Rural Residential area of the Rural Buffer. We are modifying existing language to allow <br />cluster subdivisions in the Rural Buffer, outside of the University Lake Watershed Area, so long as a density <br />limit of 1 dwelling unit per 2 acres is maintained. This proposed amendment does not impact existing density <br />limits in the University Lake Watershed Area, which only allows 1 dwelling unit for every 5 acres of land area. <br />Staff has incorporated comments received by the County Attorney's office as well as Chapel Hill and Carrboro <br />Planning staff. <br />4 This information has been captured within the renamed `Rural Residential and Agricultural Areas' land use <br />category. <br />
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