Agenda - 06-03-2014 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-03-2014 - 7a
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Last modified
6/2/2015 2:38:26 PM
Creation date
5/30/2014 3:10:55 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
2014-293 County Manager - OWASA - Interlocal Agreement for Rogers Road Area Extension of Wastewater System Improvements
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Request for Qualifications <br />Historic Rogers Road Area Sanitary Sewer Extension <br />April 8, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />4. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Engineering services required by OWASA for this project shall be completed in general <br />accordance with the following scope of services. The final scope of services will be negotiated <br />with the selected engineering firm. irm. The following major tasks are expected to be included in the <br />final scope of services: <br />• Phase I Services (Preliminary En ing eering Services) <br />o Phase ]a (Updated Conceptual Alignment /Budget/Options Comparison): <br />■ Provide a review of the current conceptual gravity sanitary sewer layout, <br />including site inspections with OWASA staff, that will result in a GIS- <br />based exhibit, to include; <br />• Identification of any properties for which providing gravity <br />sanitary sewer service may be significantly more costly relative to <br />other properties in the HRRA and recommended alternative <br />sanitary sewer service options (such as individual house pumps); <br />• Preliminary project budget estimates (including all engineering and <br />construction services) for updated or alternative concepts if they <br />vary significantly from the current concept; and <br />• Comparison of the relative merits of all identified options and <br />identification of the most cost effective option. <br />o Phase ]h (Field Surveying, Geotechnical and Subsurface Investigations, and <br />Total Project Budget -level Cost Estimate of the Selected Option): <br />• Provide plane survey field and office services resulting in exhibits <br />denoting the possible sanitary sewer alignment; <br />• Provide geotechnical field investigations, information, analysis, and a <br />summary report including recommendations typical of those needed for <br />the design of underground sanitary sewer mains; <br />• Provide field subsurface utility location investigations, information, <br />analysis, and a summary report including recommendations typical of <br />those needed for the design of underground sanitary sewer mains; and <br />• Provide a budget level total project cost estimate (including all previous, <br />current, and future engineering services; construction contractor services <br />and materials; and a project contingency) and a project schedule for the <br />selected option. <br />NOTE: All, some, part, or none of the Phase 2 and Phase 3 services may be authorized. <br />• Phase 2 Services (Design Engineeria, Advertizia and Biddia Services) <br />o Provide survey exhibits suitable for use in the acquisition of any needed <br />easements; <br />o Provide designs which meet OWASA standards and specifications and other <br />regulatory requirements; <br />o Provide bid documents meeting requirements for formally bid contracts; <br />o Prepare and submit permits required for the project; and <br />0 Assist with construction contract bidding (including contractor prequalification). <br />
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