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17 <br />1 Chair Jacobs asked if this motion can include a request to have staff investigate <br />2 recreation and alternative energy options. <br />3 Commissioner McKee said yes <br />4 Commissioner Dorosin noted that there are additional costs outside of the bid that are <br />5 part of project. <br />6 <br />7 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />8 <br />9 b. Solid Waste Service Tax District for Recycling <br />10 The Board discussed issues surrounding the establishment of a Solid Waste Service <br />11 Tax District to fund the rural curbside /roadside recycling collection service, including information <br />12 received during two Public Hearings, and to decide the method of funding for this County <br />13 provided program. <br />14 Gayle Wilson reviewed the background information from the abstract and said the Board <br />15 of Commissioners has investigated various options to replace the previously eliminated rural 3- <br />16 R fee over the past year and a half. He said the Board expressed interest in a solid waste <br />17 district, and two public hearings have been held to discuss this. He said there is currently no <br />18 funding provided for continuation of the curbside recycling program for 2014/2015. He said an <br />19 alternate opt in program has also been discussed. <br />20 Michael Talbert said the County has already held two public hearings. He said the <br />21 financial impact of moving forward with a tax district would be 1.5 cents on the tax rate for about <br />22 20,000 parcels. He said this would raise the revenue to provide service for everyone in the <br />23 district. <br />24 Michael Talbert said the Board has already looked at a franchise tax and subscription <br />25 service but voted on the intent to move forward with a service tax district. He said time is <br />26 running out, and if the Board does not do this tonight, the option would need to be abandoned <br />27 for at least another year. <br />28 <br />29 PUBLIC COMMENT <br />30 Bonnie Hauser thanked the Board for listening to the public comment and opposition to <br />31 this service district tax. She said the problem is not the tax, but the service model. She said <br />32 the County needs to find a fair and effective way to provide a choice of curbside or convenience <br />33 center services to the community. She said part of the solution could lie with the towns, <br />34 especially for suburban communities in the ETJ, and that is why the towns need to be part of <br />35 the discussion. She said the curbside tax discussion did not address the growing concern over <br />36 the County's convenience center and recycling fees, which have tripled over the last few years. <br />37 She said, even with the increase, the fees do not cover the cost of County services, which rely <br />38 on sizeable subsidies from the general fund. She asked the Board to consider finding a simple <br />39 way to fund rural curbside recycling for the short term. She asked the Board to start a work <br />40 group of professionals and citizens to explore services, costs and fees for trash and recycling <br />41 services. She would like to see the program enhanced with composting and other services. <br />42 She said fees should be simplified to be made transparent. She asked for exploration of ways <br />43 to fund services without subsidies from the general fund. She asked for a halt on capital <br />44 spending for convenience centers and roll carts until a plan for the future is made. <br />45 Chair Jacobs said the Board appreciated the level of public comment through emails <br />46 and public hearings. He said the Board has worked hard to create avenues for exchange of <br />47 information through the hiring of a public affairs officer, email, website improvements, and the <br />48 future move to a cable ready meeting room in Hillsborough. <br />