Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br />Section 5.13: Standards for Agricultural Uses <br />k) The Operations Plan and the Rehabilitation Plan shall be coordinated o <br />that the amount of disturbed land is kept to the absolute minimum <br />consonant with good practices and so that rehabilitation procee in <br />concert with extraction. <br />(I) N and disturbance shall take place within 250 feet of the oning lot line <br />or th roperty line where the zoning line and the prope line are one <br />and the ame. Within the 250 foot setback area, exis ' g vegetation <br />shall be r ined for the purpose of providing a vis screen and noise <br />buffer. No ' turbance or removal of vegetation all be permitted <br />except for acc s roads leading from the exca tion area to public <br />roads. Where ve tation within the 250 foot etback does not exist, the <br />applicant shall be re uired to provide a d se, evergreen buffer <br />consistent with the pu ose cited abov . The buffer shall be in place <br />prior to the initiation of a excavatio activities. <br />(m) The applicant shall submit o ra ' nal reports, prepared on an annual <br />basis, detailing the amounts of aterials extracted, extent of extractive <br />area, dept/nths,application ive are , an esults of groundwater test borings. <br />(n) Annual ins th operations II be conducted by the Planning <br />Director foittal of the annua operations reports to determine <br />compliancrovisions of the Spe ' I Use Permit. <br />(o) In cases oent or termination of op tions for a period of 12 <br />consecutivpplication for a new, Speci Use Permit is <br />required. <br />(p) The Bo d of County Commissioners shall require fora extractive uses <br />a pe rmance guarantee to insure that the provisions of e <br />R abilitation Plan are met. Such performance guarantee s II be in a <br />/excerm approved by the County Attorney. The amount of such g rantee <br />eds all cover the cost of rehabilitation on a per acre basis, if the co does <br />t exceed the amount posted with the State. If the rehabilitation c t <br />the amounts required by the State then the difference shall b <br />made up in a bond to Orange County. <br />SECTION 5.13: STANDARDS FOR AGRICULTURAL USES j <br />5.13.1 ComFnrercial Feed eF QpeFatieR26 <br />(A) <br />26 This is a bona fide agricultural use and cannot be regulated by zoning so staff is suggesting it be removed from <br />the UDO. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5 -120 <br />