Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br />Section 5.3: Application of Use Standards <br />5.3.1 In General <br />Section number In addition to the general standards applied to uses in each zoning district and in accordance with <br />the Table of Permitted Uses, Sections 5.4 through 5.4-517 establish additional standards for <br />update specific Permitted Uses, Special Uses, Conditional Uses, and uses permitted in Conditional <br />Zoning Districts. <br />Special Uses <br />(A) General Standards <br />Before any application for a Special Use Permit shall be approved: <br />(1) The applicant shall have the burden of establishing, by competent m erial and <br />substantial evidence, in the form of testimony, exhibits, documents models, <br />plans and other materials, that the application meets the require ents for <br />approval of a Special Use; and <br />(2) The Board of County Commissioners or Board of Adjustme shall make written <br />findings certifying compliance with the specific rules gove ing such individual <br />%stan l Use and that the use, which is listed as a Spec' I Use in the district in <br />t is proposed to be located, complies with all r quired regulations and <br />rds includi ng the following general condition <br />(a) a use will maintain or promote the p lic health, safety and general <br />w <br />are if located where proposed a developed and operated <br />acco ing to the plan as submitted <br />(b) The use ill maintain or enhan96 the value of contiguous property <br />(unless th se is a public ne ssity, in which case the use need not <br />maintain or a hance the vaXe of contiguous property); and <br />(c) The location and,,Rha r a r of the use, if developed according to the plan <br />submitted, will be i h rmony with the area in which it is to be located <br />and the use is in co liance with the plan for the physical development <br />of the County as bo ' d in these regulations or in the Comprehensive <br />Plan, or portion ereof, adQpted by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />(B) Specific Standards <br />In addition to the gene I standards stated in Sectio 5.3.2(A), the following specific <br />standards shall be a ressed by the applicant before a issuance of a Special Use <br />Permit: <br />(1) Metho /and adequacy of provision of sewage dispo I facilities, solid waste, and <br />(2) thod and adequacy of police, fire and rescue squad pr ection. <br />(3) Method and adequacy of vehicular access to the site and tra conditions <br />around the site. <br />Other use specific standards as set forth herein. <br />(C) Specific Standards for Class A Special Use Permits Within Hillsborough D <br />In addition to the general and specific standards for all Special Use Permits, the fo <br />standards shall be addressed by the applicant before the issuance of a Class A Sp <br />Use Permit within the Hillsborough Economic Development District: <br />(1) General Provisions <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5 -30 <br />