Orange County NC Website
Lesser of 50% of the actual tax increment or 50% of the actual Debt Service on the $10 million <br /> of public Improvements <br /> Maximum Annual Payment would be about $400,000 <br /> Projected County Tax Increment (bar graph) <br /> Kenneth C. Pennoyer, said one of the challenges of this project was finding a way to <br /> finance the $10 million of public improvements to the traffic and storm water, which are a pre- <br /> cursor to the development of the area. He said the town does not have authority sufficient to <br /> borrow those funds, nor does it have a method of using the assets created in the project to do <br /> an installment financing. He said an alternative structure was considered through a synthetic <br /> tax increment financing. He said this would use the incremental tax revenues generated from <br /> the re-development of the properties in the area to help pay for the debt service for the public <br /> improvements. He said in order to make this financing plan work, the town needed to have an <br /> asset to use as collateral in order to do an installment financing. <br /> He said a renovation project for the town hall is being done at the same time, as a <br /> result of the flooding last summer. He said the town saw an opportunity to combine these two <br /> projects and use the excess collateral in the town hall building as an asset to help finance the <br /> entire project. He said the town will be doing installment financing, while adding in a small <br /> amount of 2/3 general obligation bonds of$1.7 million. He said this will defray the cost of the <br /> town hall portion of the project. <br /> Kenneth Pennoyer said the synthetic tax incrementing financing relies on the expected <br /> increase in the property values in the area in order to pay the debt service on the <br /> improvements. He said it is anticipated that the $10 million of debt will cost about $800,000 in <br /> annual debt service payments. <br /> He reviewed the graph of expected development phases. He said years 0-4 will <br /> primarily be multi-family residential, with some commercial. He said these are additive figures <br /> and the term of the analysis has been stretched to 20 years to match the length of the debt <br /> service. <br /> Kenneth Pennoyer referred to the 20 Year Cost Benefit Comparison slide and said this <br /> is the cumulative debt service based on borrowing for $10 million, compared to the town's <br /> expected additional tax revenues. He said this shows the relationship between what is being <br /> borrowed and what can be afforded. He said the gap represents a shortfall of the town's tax <br /> increment using conservative assumptions on tax values, and this exists until 2030. <br /> He reviewed the Major Revenues Schools and County slide, and said the numbers <br /> under each phase represent the annual tax increment expected by the County under the <br /> development scenario at the current tax rate. He said the impact on schools is based on the <br /> number of multi-family housing units being built, and it is anticipated to equal $1.9 million in <br /> additional fees. He said the school property tax at the current tax rate is anticipated to be <br /> $549,000 after complete build out. <br /> Kenneth Pennoyer said the proposed County participation is to contribute a portion of <br /> the tax increment, or additional taxes generated from the development, not to exceed <br /> $400,000. He noted that the tax increment will be smaller in the early years. He said the town <br /> is looking to use its debt service fund in the interim to pay the differences between the <br /> increment available and the actual debt. He reviewed the Projected County Tax Increment <br /> graph and said the full tax increment over the 20 years would be about $7.3 million, and the <br /> net tax increment after paying the debt service, would be $24 million. <br /> Kenneth Pennoyer said the final 20 Year Cost Benefit Comparison slide shows how the <br /> County increment provides the opportunity to match debt service with tax increment 10 years <br />