Orange County NC Website
O <br />Schwarer <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />responded to a list of questions posed by the Sunrise Coalition regarding the Concept <br />Plan. Therefore, there is evidence that opportunity was provided for input from the <br />neighborhood in development of the Plan as intended by the Development Agreement. <br />3. According to the agreement, HHOC is required to provide to the county <br />quarterly reports beginning January 1 2006. The Sunrise Coalition is not aware <br />that any reports have been provided to the County. The Sunrise Coalition is on <br />record with the County requesting to be copied on any and all correspondence <br />submitted by HHOC related to this development. <br />HHOC did not provide the quarterly reports as required by the Development <br />Agreement. County staff requested the reports in June 2006 and HHOC has provided <br />the Quarterly Reports for the periods ending March 31 and June 30, 2006. A copy of <br />this report is enclosed for your review. Copies of future quarterly reports will be <br />provided to the Sunrise Coalition as requested. <br />4. HHOC has not provided evidence that the development plan is in compliance <br />with all federal, state, local laws, regulations and ordinances applicable to the <br />expenditures of funds provided by the county to the purchase and development <br />of the property. In fact, 13HOC has publicly acknowledged on numerous <br />occasions that their plan is not compliant with HUD noise standards. <br />It is our understanding that the Development Application that will be submitted to the <br />Town Council is still under development by HHOC officials.. After the Application is <br />submitted to the Tawn with a capy to Orange County, County staff, in consultation <br />with Town of Chapel Hill staff as necessary, will review the Plan for compliance. <br />5. The agreements executed by HHOC with the County require that '°single family <br />dwelling units" be built. A duplex with a "party wall" is.not consistent with the <br />intent of single family homes. HHOC°s current plan calls for 24 duplexes and <br />NO single family units: <br />The original Development Agreement does reference.single family dwelling units as <br />the anticipated housing product. However, according to the HHOC Status Report, <br />the proposed Development Application to be submitted to the Town includes 44 single <br />family detached units, thus, it appears that plans to build duplexes on the site have <br />been eliminated. <br />Additionally, your letter requests an independent audit of the HHOC's compliance with <br />the Development Agreement for the Sunrise Road property. The Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners will be officially informed of your request on their next available meeting date. <br />And, in response to your related question, there are no current plans to allocate funding to this <br />project this fiscal year. <br />Also, on the next available meeting date, County staff will recommend an amendment to <br />the existing County Development Agreement in an effort to ensure that the County <br />Commissioners are fully aware of HHOC's development plans. That amendment will require <br />that to the extent the Development Application :actually approved by the Chapel I3i11 Town <br />Council is materially different from the proposal that was the basis for the County's original <br />