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8 <br />working relationships with the Orange County Skills Development/JobLink Center and <br />Orange Enterprise, Inc. (OE). <br />The Skills Development/JobLink Center offers labor market information, provides access <br />to career training and job placement services, and serves as a connection between <br />employers and qualified workers. Orange County Government is the host agency for the <br />JobLink Center providing space and equipment for partners in conjunction with the <br />Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board. In the expanded relationship the <br />JobLink Center will educate employers on Work First, and develop job sites for Work <br />First participants. <br />Orange Enterprises, Inc. provides intensive case management services to hard to serve <br />individuals. They develop individualized service plans; provide supportive erriployment <br />services to participants such as job placement, job coaching, and job retention services. <br />DSS will contract with Orange Enterprises, Inc. to provide a job coach services for an <br />average of 15 participants per month. <br />DSS will develop provider outcomes for each partner outlining expectations. Monthly <br />feedback will be provided through site visits and case reviews. Contractors will be <br />jointly accountable for the outcome measures of the program. <br />Orange County DSS <br />S <br />