Orange County NC Website
10 <br />Terms and Conditions and Required Signatures <br />By signing below, the applicant understands and accepts the terms and conditions for <br />enhancing practice to increase the required Work First work participation rates as <br />outlined in this document. <br />1. Agree to establish a plan with action steps and strategies to enhance not only the <br />individual county but the State's required participation rates. <br />2. Agree to work to identify best practices to achieve work participation rates <br />through the use of the grant to share with all other counties. <br />3. Agree to negotiate a number higher than 50% and 90% rates to maintain a certain <br />level over the established participation rates that allows the State to always meet <br />the required rates. <br />4. Agree to work with assigned Division staff to monitor and ensure compliance <br />with the grant funds to support the work of the grant. <br />5. Agree to use the grant funds to support the legislative intent set out to increase <br />participation rates. <br />6. Agree to follow ail the reporting requirements which will include monthly reports <br />to reflect progress. <br />7. If community partners and consumers are a part of the plan, agree to meet <br />regularly to discuss progress. <br />8. Participate in all other required activities related to the grant. <br />Signed: <br />Director, Orange County Department of Social Services <br />Orange County DSS <br />10 <br />