Orange County NC Website
RES-2014-031 —Please return this Copy to the Clerk to the Board's — <br /> office for permanent agenda file. <br /> JOINT RESOLUTION AMENDING THE HILLSBOROUGH-ORANGE INTERLOCAL <br /> LAND MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT FOR <br /> THE CENTRAL ORANGE COORDINATED AREA <br /> WHEREAS, in December 2009 the Town of Hillsborough and Orange County entered <br /> into the Hillsborough-Orange Interlocal Land Management Agreement (the <br /> "Agreement") pursuant to which, inter alia, the Town of Hillsborough ("the <br /> "Town") and Orange County (the "County") agreed to establish a method of <br /> coordinated and comprehensive planning for an area identified in the <br /> Agreement as the "Central Orange Coordinated Area" ("COCA"); <br /> WHEREAS, the Town and County have memorialized the Urban Services Boundary by <br /> amending the Water and Sewer Boundary agreement in 2009 to reflect the <br /> Town's primary service area; <br /> WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statutes related to annexation procedures have <br /> changed since the Agreement was adopted, which place further limitations <br /> on the ability to annex without the consent of property owners; <br /> WHEREAS, adding predominately developed properties into the town's ETJ would <br /> provide little to no benefit to the impacted property owners or the town; <br /> WHEREAS, the vision articulated by the Agreement has been achieved and a Joint <br /> Future Land Use Plan for areas within the Town's Urban Services <br /> Boundary was adopted by both parties; <br /> WHEREAS, the Town and County boards met and discussed the concept of stopping <br /> the process to expand the Town's ETJ and need to independently consider <br /> resolutions to this affect; and <br /> WHEREAS, staff has notified all affected property owners of the boards intentions to <br /> consider resolutions and the date and time of the meeting each board <br /> would be considering. <br /> NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the parties agree to cease implementation <br /> of the Agreement at completion of Section 2.1, Adoption of Joint Land Use Plan, with <br /> the exception of the following additional steps: <br /> The town will proceed with releasing approximately 400 acres from the ETJ to align the <br /> ETJ with the Urban Services Boundary on the west side of town and amend its zoning <br /> map; <br /> Orange County will amend its Future Land Use Map of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, <br /> as well as its zoning map, to include these areas in its jurisdiction; and <br />