Orange County NC Website
29 <br />Page 2 of 2 Statler Gilfillen <br />versed in the public process and the demands of the private sector. He is specifically qualified in <br />the in historic preservation and accessible design. For many years he traveled and studied in <br />Europe. He brings a global concept of planning, architecture and business. He believes that <br />good design must meet clients needs, environmental demands and fit visually into the setting. In <br />2007, he settled his young family in Hillsborough, NC from Piran, Slovenia. <br />What unique perspective can you bring to the Orange County Planning Board? <br />Global view of planning with professional training and expertise <br />What do you see as the responsibilities of this board, and what do you hope to <br />accomplish if appointed? <br />Protect a natural environment that includes clean water, clean air, wildlife, important natural <br />lands and sustainable energy for present and future generations. Promote proactive reforms <br />necessary to maintain this goal. <br />Review and approve planning and economic development policies under the current laws which <br />create a balanced dynamic local economy and which promote diversity, sustainable growth and <br />enhance revenue while embracing community values <br />What do you consider to be be the most important issues facing Orange County related <br />to growth? <br />By supporting the strategic growth policies and constantly working to improve them. <br />What role should the Planning Board take in guiding and regulating growth? <br />By administrating the current laws and promoting postive changes necessary. <br />How would you, as a member of the Planning Board, contribute to the implementation of <br />the Board of Commissioners' adopted Goals and Priorities? <br />By working to support the work of the Planning Board utilizing my extensive professional background. <br />Other Comments: <br />This application was current on: 4/8/2014 5:30:18 PM Date Printed: 4/17/2014 <br />