Agenda - 05-20-2014-11h
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-20-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-20-2014-11h
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Last modified
6/2/2015 2:09:31 PM
Creation date
5/16/2014 2:48:42 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 05-20-2014
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
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14 <br />Page 2 of 3 Thomas Rhodes <br />Orange County Parks and Recreation Council <br />Background, education and experience relevant to this board: <br />My background is in education and health care where my current focus lies. I earned <br />undergraduate and graduate degrees in science education and a professional degree in <br />pharmacy. When I was young I remember participating in youth sports which I felt provided <br />valuable life lessons and also provided the foundation for healthy living as an adult. I continue to <br />stay active and would like to contribute to the board as a local citizen <br />Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br />Given my experience growing up and now with young children of my own, I want to take an <br />active role helping to make sure limited resources are used in a manner that benefits the most <br />people and provides opportunities like those I had growing up. I also have an interest in disc <br />golf, a life long sport that I would like to see the county consider expanding to some of its <br />outdoor parks as feasible. <br />Conflict of Interest: <br />Supplemental Questions: <br />Orange County Planning Board (REQUIRES DISCLOSURE STATEMENT) <br />Please list the work /volunteer experience /qualifications that would add to your expertise <br />for this board. <br />I previously worked as a public school teacher in Chapel Hill before my current occupation as a <br />pharmacist. I also am a beekeeper. <br />What unique perspective can you bring to the Orange County Planning Board? <br />I am originally from Johnston County, which reminds me of Orange county in that there is a large <br />rural farming area as well as urban areas. I feel having experienced the some of the changes it <br />went through would serve me well on the board. <br />What do you see as the responsibilities of this board, and what do you hope to <br />accomplish if appointed? <br />I see the board s responsibilities to assist with the development of Orange County by evaluating <br />plans and proposals and then advising the Board of Commissioners on the best course of <br />action. I hope to assist with the decisions that are made and take an active role in seeing <br />Orange County thrive economically. <br />What do you consider to be be the most important issues facing Orange County related <br />to growth? <br />I feel the most important issues currently facing the county lie with encouraging economic <br />development. This does not mean everything should be rubber stamped, but I feel the county <br />has missed out on too many opportunities in the last 5 -10 years to its detriment. The Morinaga <br />plant in Mebane is a positive step, but more needs to be done. <br />What role should the Planning Board take in guiding and regulating growth? <br />As a diverse collection of representatives from throughout the county, I feel the Planning Board <br />should have a very active role in guiding and regulating growth. However, as they are not <br />directly elected, merely appointed, I feel their role should remain advisory. <br />How would you, as a member of the Planning Board, contribute to the implementation of <br />the Board of Commissioners' adopted Goals and Priorities? <br />Well, the document linked is over 4 years old. I hope it has been updated. However, I feel working with the Town of <br />Hillsborough and the City of Durham on economic development districts is crucial to continued, smart growth of <br />Orange County. <br />
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