Agenda - 05-20-2014 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-20-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-20-2014 - 6a
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Last modified
6/2/2015 2:13:19 PM
Creation date
5/16/2014 12:35:52 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 05-20-2014
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12 <br />1 Perdita Holtz said this is located on page 35 -38 of the handout. She said Commissioner <br />2 Gordon passed out the actual UDO amendments this evening. <br />3 Council Member Harrison asked if the listed uses are now allowed in a lot of other <br />4 districts. <br />5 Perdita Holtz said most of the uses are new. She said the microbreweries might be <br />6 allowed under a broader land use classification. She said Orange County's non - residential <br />7 uses are broad, so in some cases a use is not currently designated, and now it is being <br />8 specifically addressed in the regulations. <br />9 Council Member Harrison asked if the request is countywide or only in the rural buffer. <br />10 Perdita Holtz said there is an amendment going forward for areas outside the buffer as <br />11 well as an amendment that is specific to the rural buffer. <br />12 Commissioner Gordon said the first amendment package being considered tonight has <br />13 to do with things the staff felt needed to be done that are not specifically related to allowing <br />14 agricultural enterprises in the rural buffer. <br />15 She said this part of the meeting has to do with agricultural enterprises in the rural <br />16 buffer, and that is why she passed out the document with additional information on the <br />17 amendment package. She said the boards are being asked to make amendments to the joint <br />18 planning land use plan and the actual joint planning agreement, and her handout provides <br />19 context. She said the first pages of her handout give an overview of what is being proposed. <br />20 ( "Agricultural Support Enterprises Basic Zoning Program ") and then the rest of the document <br />21 gives the UDO and Comprehensive Plan Amendments for the Area Within the Rural Buffer <br />22 ( "Amendment Package for Agricultural Support Enterprises Within the Rural Buffer "). <br />23 She is hoping that the boards would look at her hand out and provide comments. She said the <br />24 Board of County Commissioners will not consider these amendments until September. She <br />25 said that certain proposed amendments, such as a community meat processing facility, winery <br />26 with events, community farmers market, and others really do allow a lot more uses in the Rural <br />27 Buffer than the current standards. She said in the interest of transparency she wanted the <br />28 boards to have this information. <br />29 Commissioner McKee said no one is being asked to make a decision tonight. He asked <br />30 Perdita Holtz to clarify that nothing is allowed by right, without review. <br />31 Perdita Holtz said very few uses are allowed, and there are five new ones. <br />32 Commissioner McKee said some the major things mentioned by Commissioner Gordon <br />33 are not staff decisions, but require multiple levels of review. He said this does allow a lot more <br />34 activity to happen, but his point is that there are multiple levels of review. He said the farmers in <br />35 this rural buffer area need the opportunities to generate additional revenues in order to remain <br />36 in farming. He said he seriously doubts there will be any meat processing facilities in Orange <br />37 County, much less the rural buffer, as it is a major undertaking. He said farm stands may pop <br />38 up, as this requires customers, so it fits in the area. He said he hoped people would not get <br />39 hung up on some of the proposed uses but will look at this holistically from a view of what it can <br />40 do for the agricultural community. <br />41 Alderman Slade said he would like to see a map of how many farms are in the rural <br />42 buffer area. He would like to find ways to support local farmers, and this proposal makes sense <br />43 to him. He said Carrboro is looking to allow light manufacturing in their town through a process <br />44 of zoning. He encouraged the Board of County Commissioners to use the' /4 cents sales tax in <br />45 support of agricultural enterprises. He would like to see how the money is being spent, and he <br />46 would like to see breakdown of the sales tax numbers throughout the County. <br />47 Chair Jacobs said parts of the monies are dedicated to agricultural economic <br />48 development activities. He said the County is in the process of hiring a new agricultural <br />49 economic development person who will be dedicated just to that portion of the economy. He <br />50 said the Board has been working on this since Maple View Farms ice cream store came into <br />51 existence. He said the County had to figure out a suitable process for engaging the flexibility to <br />
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