Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Rich asked for clarification about the figures for the project budget. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said if the math is wrong, the extra $10,000 will come out of the <br /> contingency, and the contingency amount would be $10,000 instead of$20,000. She noted <br /> that it is okay to go up to the project budget of$650,000. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8. Reports <br /> NONE <br /> 9. County Manager's Report <br /> NONE <br /> 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> John Roberts referred to an earlier question about the process if a tax service district <br /> was implemented and then needed to be abolished. He said a public hearing would be <br /> required, with a notice in the newspaper, and then the Board could decide to pass a resolution <br /> to terminate the tax service district. <br /> 11. Appointments <br /> NONE <br /> 12. Board Comments <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she and Chair Jacobs attended a public input meeting for <br /> the proposed southwest library. She said the consultants told her that this was the largest <br /> turnout ever. She said there was great enthusiasm and positive input regarding the site. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she visited the 1789 Venture Lab in Chapel Hill last week, <br /> and she encouraged her peers to visit. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she and Commissioner Pelissier attended an event to <br /> welcome Debbie Shultz to Orange County. <br /> Commissioner McKee - none <br /> Commissioner Price said she attended the strategic planning course at UNC. She said <br /> a lot of the examples presented were located in Orange County. <br /> Commissioner Gordon referred to the Intergovernmental Parks Work Group's resolution <br /> regarding the Community Use of School Facilities for Recreation. She said the Orange County <br /> school system has recently revised their facility use policy. She said that in the IP Work <br /> Group, the representatives of the two school boards and the representatives of all of the <br /> governing boards for the towns and the county have worked together in a very cooperative <br /> way. In a recent IP Work Group meeting, all of the representatives have agreed to this <br /> resolution, and now it has to be agreed to by all of the boards. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he attended the North Carolina hearings of the National <br /> Commission on Voting Rights. He said it was a combination of voter rights and voter <br /> education panels. He said Ellie Kinnaird was one of the panel members. He said all of the <br />