Orange County NC Website
9 <br />Attachment B <br />Prepared 050814 <br />7. individual commissioners should not try to interject their own views — the message needs to <br />come from the County as a vision of the majority of Commissioners <br />8. one aspect of a Plan is sitting down and writing out what you already do <br />9. media relations policy section could become either unwieldy or too brief, maybe shoot for <br />something that is "long enough to cover the subject and short enough to be interesting" <br />10. input from citizens and Commissioners regarding the County website needs to be continual <br />11. absolutely should be a component related to measuring success <br />12. need employees to understand what County is doing so they can be knowledgeable and be <br />ambassadors <br />13. improving relationships among emergency departments should be at forefront <br />14. consistent brand should be part of our communication <br />SUCCESS: Discussion here focused on how to balance empirical information vs. visceral or anecdotal <br />information in evaluating the relative effectiveness of a Plan. Broadly, respondents tended to note the <br />desirability, but difficulty, of trying to judge success empirically. It is important to develop and report <br />performance measures within the County's resources to do so. A number of respondents noted the value <br />of less formal measures or indicators of a Plan having positive impacts, such as an increase in <br />compliments from members of the public, evidence of greater public awareness and understanding of <br />County programs /policies /events, and a reduction in expressed anger by the public when the Board is <br />dealing with complex and /or controversial subjects. <br />1. get out positive, proactive messages on various themes (e.g. education, environment, solid waste) <br />2. first of all, there needs to be a Plan! <br />3. if you don't have negative publicity and people aren't yelling at you <br />4. if we get more people telling us we did a good job on something or an employee explained <br />something really well <br />5. Plan must have goals and objectives, a vision, and mission statement <br />6. citizens coming to meetings to give us input as opposed to them coming and yelling at you because <br />you're doing something wrong is a kind of barometer <br />7. "when topics are non - controversial, then you could say we did a good job" <br />8. anecdotal evidence can be useful; the challenge is that no matter what you say factually, some <br />people will still believe what they want to believe; communication success is very hard to measure <br />9. "sometimes even a data driven person like me has to accept that you can't have all the empirical <br />measures" <br />10. results of staff "word association" with "what feels like success" — public engagement; inclusion; <br />informed; fluid; limited backlash; democratic; proactive vs. reactive <br />COMPREHENSIVENESS: This heading was intended to get at points important to Commissioners or <br />staff that were not elicited by the questions set out under the other topic headings. Any issues raised that <br />did not seem to me to fall clearly under a different heading are captured on the "Issues for Future <br />Considerations" list at Appendix C. My thought process in setting up this section was to ensure that any <br />comments or observations that do not need to be addressed in the immediate present (i.e. at the May 15 <br />work session) should be preserved for consideration by a strategic communications team one or three or <br />six months down the road. Various" kernels of wisdom" raised during the interviews are thus recorded <br />and may be evaluated further down the road for incorporation into a draft Plan. <br />