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M <br />Attachment A <br />Updated 042414 <br />STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS PLAN (SCP) <br />BASELINE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS <br />PURPOSE: What do you see as the purpose(s) of potentially having an Orange County Strategic <br />Communications Plan? <br />SCOPE: What do you think about the scope of the Plan? Should the Plan be a county -wide plan <br />or a more narrowly drawn plan to address communications to and from the Board of County <br />Commissioners? If it would be a county -wide plan, what thoughts do you have about how to <br />involve County departments headed by other elected or appointed officials? <br />BOCC ROLES: What do you see as an appropriate and desirable level of BOCC involvement in <br />the (1) development; (2) approval; (3) implementation; and (4) ongoing oversight of apossible <br />Strategic Communications Plan? Do you support the concept raised at the January 2014 BOCC <br />retreat about taking a communications team approach? If so, would the composition be staff <br />only? Staff and elected officials? Anyone else? <br />DEPARTMENTAL ROLES: Where and how do the Public Affairs Office and individual <br />County Departments fit into the Plan? How would the Plan govern the role of each individual <br />department's communications and outreach programs? <br />LESSONS LEARNED: Think of an example during your tenure as Commissioner when you <br />feel the County did a particularly good job in communication outreach. What were the <br />outcomes, characteristics, steps, and /or considerations involved that produced good results? <br />Alternatively (or in addition), consider a situation where the County could have done better in its <br />communications outreach. What was missing or could have been done differently to produce <br />better results? <br />PLAN ELEMENTS: Are there elements (tools /audiences /others) that you see as essential for <br />inclusion in an Orange County Strategic Communications Plan? On the other hand, are there any <br />elements that you think should be explicitly excluded or downplayed in a Plan? The Manager <br />provided a draft outline for a Plan as part of the January 31, 2014 retreat agenda: are there <br />sections or elements that you would suggest adding or excising from that outline, or does that <br />seem like a reasonable starting point for fleshing out a full Plan? <br />SUCCESS: What conditions or outcomes would need to prevail for you to feel that the County <br />has a successful Communications Plan in place? Given that target audiences have so many <br />things competing for their attention, how do you think the Board should balance effort /activity <br />level vs. effectiveness in measuring success? <br />COMPREHENSIVENESS: Are there any issues or points that we have not talked about in this <br />conversation that you would like to raise for consideration during the planned May 2014 work <br />session topic, or perhaps put in "the parking lot" for later consideration during Strategic <br />Communications Plan Phase III (if the Board decides to proceed with that)? <br />