Agenda - 05-15-2014 - 5
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-15-2014 - Budget Work Session
Agenda - 05-15-2014 - 5
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6/2/2015 1:58:47 PM
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5/12/2014 11:46:45 AM
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Minutes 05-15-2014
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Attachment C <br />12 <br />Prepared 050814 <br />55. "if we have too many expectations on one person, we're doomed regarding our communications <br />strategy" <br />56. website and access to advisory board minutes is poor - there should be some standards that a <br />work group develops <br />57. we should have minutes up on the website promptly, even if as draft — such inconsistency <br />between departments on how fast they post minutes <br />58. there is no contact information for advisory board members <br />59. Plan should recognize that County staff need to have training on how to better communicate with <br />the public through the Commissioners <br />60. are there any parameters that need to be set regarding an Orange County policy on staff use of <br />social media so it doesn't interfere with their roles as public officials? <br />61. are there ways to better let public know we have listened, but don't agree? <br />62. use of "dashboards" so we can show through performance indicators that we are making our <br />county better <br />63. Town of Chapel Hill has won a lot of awards for the way they communicate <br />64. how are you going to communicate when you have no electrical power, no Internet service? <br />65. concern that if this plan is too encompassing and too homogeneous it will be detrimental to us <br />providing quality service to the public - one aspect of that is the administrative processes that get <br />superimposed on the basic work processes that in turn take more time and effort and introduce <br />delays into the work we're already doing <br />66. piggybacking social media from one department to another department may lead followers of <br />one department to "defriend" because they don't want to be bothered with the piggybacked <br />department - there may be powerful unintended consequences <br />67. one of the great things about social media is it gives people a lot of freedom about what they <br />choose to connect with or not connect with <br />68. there are differences between a "spokesperson" and a "public affairs officer" <br />69. corporations have their own brand promotions, actively advertising a wide range of product lines <br />at the same time they're promoting their brands, but trying to do it in a mutually complimentary <br />way <br />70. other entities all adhere to a certain standard; can help raise the level and sophistication of <br />communications; can help departments to raise their games to fit into the standard that has been <br />set <br />71. balance coordination with autonomy <br />72. funding for communication people to have the resources without having to use their own <br />equipment all the time; people aren't just on Facebook and Twitter from 8 to 5 — 7 to l Opm is <br />when people use those most <br />73. mental checklists; idea of using a flow chart <br />74. may be a journey more than a destination — Plan development will be an educational journey <br />75. what are the implications of one commissioner live tweeting — is it perceived as representative of <br />the whole board? <br />76. don't create a new plan for every major issue that arises — "the Plan is the Plan" <br />77. BOCC needs their own way to communicate with the public about those critical issues of <br />governance, but there are ways to do that that are not at the expense of organizational capacities <br />to do communications about government and our different product lines and services <br />78. BOCC questions and challenges about library services plan made the plan better <br />79. for the message to come out from "the Board ", you can't have seven individual commissioners <br />all sending out messages saying "do this, do this" - all Board decisions have to be made in open <br />session, so it's really complicated to come up with a "Board message" working under the legal <br />requirements of open meetings <br />
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