Orange County NC Website
Attachment C <br />11 <br />Prepared 050814 <br />26. Town of Chapel Hill's periodic "Citizen Satisfaction Study" — interesting idea and one way to <br />measure market penetration <br />27. examine how University sports departments are creating their own media portals <br />28. Orange County has no live content except press releases — what if somebody was tweeting <br />everyday and it appeared on the webpage and folks could get the Twitter feed and you felt like <br />there was some consciousness reaching out to you if you got on the website <br />29. need to target what your media outlets are to see what impact you have made on their coverage — <br />do you intrigue them enough so they are interested? <br />30. create "an introduction protocol" - have some strategy for introducing new manager to the <br />County; maybe also for key new department heads and new Commissioners <br />31. use gender neutral language in all communications <br />32. careful framing of an issue, e.g. "tax assistance" vs. "tax relief' <br />33. careful use of abbreviations and acronyms <br />34. if you solicit public input, you should make clear how you're going to use it <br />35. sometimes people say or act like "you didn't listen to me if you don't do what I said" <br />36. you should definitely be willing and able to change your behavior depending on what was said <br />by the public <br />37. how do you get out "important information" to folks in more rural parts of Orange County (e.g. <br />about changes in county line) vs. getting out "urgent" information (e.g. in case of emergencies); <br />may be a role for volunteer fire departments? <br />38. important to push information out because people are retweeting <br />39. use of checklists when performing outreach activities <br />40. part of plan is to have ways to let people know they aren't being forgotten in emergency <br />situations <br />41. during emergencies, should be a central location where all info is gathered and that person <br />should have all the information <br />42. let's share information between jurisdictions and assume we all need to take care of the <br />emergency together <br />43. must build community by getting people connected <br />44. Town of Chapel Hill surveyed people about how they wanted to be communicated to <br />45. PIO would be central figure for departments to go to make sure information gets to <br />Commissioners <br />46. it's important for Commissioners to at least be aware that Twitter is out there — should have <br />some way of knowing what people are saying about him or her <br />47. contrast between" information item" and "press release" <br />48. if message didn't get out despite our efforts, need to discuss where it broke down; what did we <br />learn? what do we change? if we did A, B, and C, do we need a D? <br />49. get ahead on the conversation about the need to build a new jail <br />50. telling individual stories of how someone was helped by a particular program causes people to <br />attribute that to the person's motivation; you don't engage them on the need for the program nor <br />engage them on policy; research shows the individual story does not engage people <br />51. some people who are doing the framing may not have an understanding from psychological point <br />of view of the public about how to frame <br />52. "people don't make decisions on facts — they play some role but people make decisions on their <br />emotional reactions - how do you reach people in their hearts ?" <br />53. press releases are needed but there's a much bigger issue we're not dealing with head on — the <br />emotional part of how to reach people; trying to paint the global picture rather than the focus on <br />the individual <br />54. working group should partly be a continuing education group <br />