Orange County NC Website
Comparison of Land Area To Property Valuation For Orange County NC <br />Land Area of Coun <br />Above. All towns in Orange County <br />produce Orange County property <br />taxes in addition to the property tax <br />levy for their towns In order to better <br />comprehend the potency of a town, <br />within the County, the above chart <br />demonstrates the area of township <br />within the County charted against the <br />amount of county property tax produc- <br />tion. The valuation against the area <br />consumed demonstrates a tax rev- <br />enue ratio of 12:1 for Carrboro, 8.6 1 <br />for Chapel Hill, and 5 1 for Hillsbor- <br />ough. Though it should be noted that <br />Chapel Hill maintains a considerable <br />volume of non - taxable land within its <br />area <br />The Rest of <br />The County <br />Chapel Hill <br />Carrboro <br />Hillsborough <br />ty Value of County <br />as the standard. This also correlates with the taxable revenues to better <br />understand the revenue productivity. Just as our evaluation of automobiles <br />on a miles per gallon basis gives a more accurate assessment of the efficient <br />vehicle's efficiency, evaluating land by the value per acre is an effective <br />measure of municipal benefit. This idea of `land efficiency' is not a new <br />concept, American farmers have long used this approach to consider their <br />cost and crop yield per acre. Indeed, the agricultural industry has adopted <br />technological methods of mapping values, such as mineral density in soil, <br />to better understand distribution of fertilizers in an efficient manner. Urban3 <br />uses similar technology to map the value per acre, to better envision the <br />relative productivity of property taxes across the county. <br />The Law of Gases: Pressure <br />We know from Chemistry that the pressure of a gas depends on the volume <br />of the gas and the space in which it is contained. We can think of property <br />development in Chapel Hill along the same terms. In this analogy, Chapel <br />Hill is the container for an ever increasing influx of new residents. As a <br />cornerstone of the Research Triangle with ample employment opportunities <br />and a remarkable level of public services, Chapel Hill will continue to attract <br />new residents. Unlike many communities in the Southeast however, Chapel <br />Hill has demonstrated considerable discipline with regards to its outward <br />expansion. Chapel Hill's Rural Buffer serves as an effective urban growth <br />boundary which can be clearly seen in the development pattern, property <br />value, and vegetation coverage. The Chapel Hill container is effectively a <br />fixed boundary. The result is a high level of development pressure which has <br />manifested itself in the scale and pace of development as well as in the cost <br />of living. <br />3 <br />