Orange County NC Website
12 <br />CENTRALITY OF SITE <br />120 Brewer Lane <br />Site would provide access to existing and future, local, population. County <br />Existing and potential future population in given area <br />residents will have parking available to make use of the facility. <br />The size of the 'space' for the library will be limited to a lease /purchase <br />agreement with the developer. Expansion will be viable only if there are <br />Growth and development opportunities /constraints in a <br />vacancies in other proposed 'store fronts' allowing the County to <br />given area <br />lease /purchase for expansion. <br />Proximity to schools <br />Approxiamtely 2 miles from Carrboro elementary School <br />Proximity to retail <br />Will be in the heart of a retail /residential mixed use development. <br />Approxiamtely 4 miles from existing library located within the Town of Chapel <br />Proximity to other libraries <br />Hill <br />