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Chapter 153A <br />Page 5 of 2 <br />§ 153A -429. Long -term contract permitted by and with an authority. <br />(a) To the extent authorized by its charter, an authority may enter into long -term and continuing <br />contracts, not to exceed a term of 60 years, with member or other units of local government for the <br />acquisition, construction, improvement, enlargement, operation, or maintenance of any solid waste <br />management facility or for solid waste management services with respect to solid waste generated <br />within their geographic boundaries or brought into their geographic boundaries. <br />(b) Contracts entered into by an authority may include, but are not limited to, provisions for: <br />(1) Payment by the members of the authority and other units of local government of a fee <br />or other charge by the authority to accept and dispose of solid waste; <br />(2) Periodic adjustments to the fee or other charges to be paid by each member of the <br />authority and such other units of local government; <br />(3) Warranties from the members of the authority and such other units of local <br />government with respect to the quantity of the solid waste which will be delivered to <br />the authority and warranties relating to the content or quality of the solid waste; and <br />(4) Legal and equitable title to the solid waste passing to the authority upon delivery of <br />the solid waste to the authority. (1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 888, s. 1.) <br />§ 153A -430. Compliance with other law. <br />(a) Repealed by Session Laws 1989 (Regular Session, 1990), C. 1004, s. 47, effective July 20, <br />1990. <br />(b) An authority created pursuant to this Article shall comply with all applicable federal and <br />State laws, regulations, and rules, including specifically those enacted or adopted for the management of <br />solid waste or for the protection of the environment or public health. <br />(c) Except as provided by subsection (d) of this section, a unit of local government that is <br />exempt from compliance with State laws or rules enacted or adopted for the management of solid waste <br />or for the protection of the environment shall, by becoming a member of a regional solid waste <br />management authority created under this Article and as a condition of such membership, agree to <br />comply with and to be bound by all applicable federal and State laws, regulations, and rules enacted or <br />adopted for the management of solid waste and for the protection of the environment with respect to all <br />solid waste management activities of the authority within the territorial jurisdiction of the unit of local <br />government and with respect to all solid waste management activities performed by the unit of local <br />government in connection with membership in the authority. <br />(d) A unit of local government that is exempt from compliance with State laws or rules enacted <br />or adopted for the management of solid waste shall obtain all permits that may be necessary for the <br />conduct of solid waste management activities within the territorial jurisdiction of the unit of local <br />government as provided by federal law and regulations. Responsibility for the enforcement of laws, <br />regulations, and rules enacted or adopted for the management of solid waste within the territorial <br />jurisdiction of a unit of local government that is exempt from compliance with State laws or rules <br />enacted or adopted for the management of solid waste shall be as provided by federal law and <br />regulations. (1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 888, s. 1; c. 1004, s. 47; c. 1075, s. 5; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), <br />c. 948, s. 2.) <br />§ 153A -431. Issuance of revenue bonds and notes. <br />The State and Local Government Revenue Bond Act, Article 5 of Chapter 159 of the General <br />Statutes, governs the issuance of revenue bonds by an authority. Article 9 of Chapter 159 of the General <br />Statutes governs the issuance of notes in anticipation of the sale of revenue bonds. (1989 (Reg. Sess., <br />1990), c. 888, s. 1.) <br />§ 153A -432. Advances. <br />: / /www <br /> /, <br />153a <br />3/26/2013 <br />