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Chapter 153A <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />prescribe rules and policies in connection with the performance of its functions and duties, <br />not inconsistent with this Article; <br />(6) To adopt an official seal and alter the same; <br />(7) To establish and maintain suitable administrative buildings or offices at such place or <br />places as it may determine by purchase, construction, lease, or other arrangements <br />either by the authority alone or through appropriate cost - sharing arrangements with <br />any unit of local government or other person; <br />(8) To sue and be sued in its own name, and to plead and be impleaded; <br />(9) To receive, administer, and comply with the conditions and requirements respecting <br />any gift, grant, or donation of any property or money; <br />(10) To acquire by purchase, lease, gift, or otherwise, or to obtain options for the <br />acquisition of any property, real or personal, improved or unimproved, including an <br />interest in land less than the fee thereof, <br />(11) To sell, lease, exchange, transfer, or otherwise dispose of, or to grant options for any <br />such purposes with respect to any real or personal property or interest therein; <br />(12) To pledge, assign, mortgage, or otherwise grant a security interest in any real or <br />personal property or interest therein, including the right and power to pledge, assign, <br />or otherwise grant a security interest in any money, rents, charges, or other revenues <br />and any proceeds derived by an authority from any and all sources; <br />(13) To issue revenue bonds of the authority and enter into other financial arrangements <br />including those permitted by this Chapter and Chapters 159, 159I, and 160A of the <br />General Statutes to finance solid waste management activities, including but not <br />limited to systems and facilities for waste reduction, materials recovery, recycling, <br />resource recovery, landfilling, ash management, and disposal and for related support <br />facilities, to refund any revenue bonds or notes issued by the authority, whether or not <br />in advance of their maturity or earliest redemption date, or to provide funds for other <br />corporate purposes of the authority; <br />(14) With the approval of any unit of local government, to use officers, employees, <br />agents, and facilities of the unit of local government for such purposes and upon such <br />terms as may be mutually agreeable; <br />(15) To develop and make data, plans, information, surveys, and studies of solid waste <br />management facilities within the territorial jurisdiction of the members of the <br />authority, to prepare and make recommendations in regard thereto; <br />(16) To study, plan, design, construct, operate, acquire, lease, and improve systems and <br />facilities, including systems and facilities for waste reduction, materials recovery, <br />recycling, resource recovery, landfilling, ash management, household hazardous <br />waste management, transportation, disposal, and public education regarding solid <br />waste management, in order to provide environmentally sound, cost - effective <br />management of solid waste including storage, collection, transporting, separation, <br />processing, recycling, and disposal of solid waste in order to protect the public health, <br />safety, and welfare; to enhance the environment for the people of this State; recover <br />resources and energy which have the potential for further use, and to promote and <br />implement the purposes set forth in Part 2A of Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the <br />General Statutes; <br />(17) To locate solid waste facilities, including ancillary support facilities, as the authority <br />may see fit; <br />(18) To assume any responsibility for disposal and management of solid waste imposed <br />by law on any member unit of local government; <br />(19) To operate such facilities together with any person, firm, corporation, the State, any <br />entity of the State, or any unit of local government as appropriate and otherwise <br />