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Chapter 153A <br />Page 2 of P8 <br />Constitution of North Carolina or of Article 1 of Chapter 128 of the General Statutes. (1989 (Reg. <br />Sess., 1990), c. 888, s. l.) <br />§ 153A -424. Contents of charter. <br />(a) The charter of a regional solid waste management authority shall: <br />(1) Specify the name of the authority; <br />(2) Establish the powers, duties and functions that the authority may exercise and <br />perform; <br />(3) Establish the number of delegates to represent the member units of local government <br />and prescribe the compensation and allowances, if any, to be paid to delegates; <br />(4) Set out the method of determining the financial support that will be given to the <br />authority by each member unit of local government; and <br />(5) Establish a method for amending the charter, and for dissolving the authority and <br />liquidating its assets and liabilities. <br />(b) The charter of a regional solid waste management authority may, but need not, contain rules <br />for the conduct of authority business and any other matter pertaining to the organization, powers, and <br />functioning of the authority that the member units of local government deem appropriate. (1989 (Reg. <br />Sess., 1990), c. 888, s. 1.) <br />§ 153A -425. Organization of authorities. <br />The governing board of a regional solid waste management authority shall hold an initial <br />organizational meeting at such time and place as is agreed upon by its member units of local government <br />and shall elect a chairman and any other officers that the charter may specify or the delegates may deem <br />advisable. The authority shall then adopt bylaws for the conduct of its business. All meetings of <br />regional solid waste management authorities shall be subject to the provisions of Article 33C of Chapter <br />143 of the General Statutes. (1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 888, s. 1.) <br />§ 153A -426. Withdrawal from an authority. <br />If the authority has no outstanding indebtedness, any member may withdraw from a regional solid <br />waste management authority effective at the end of the current fiscal year by giving at least six months <br />notice in writing to each of the other members. Withdrawal of a member shall not dissolve the authority <br />if at least two members remain. (1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 888, s. 1.) <br />§ 153A -427. Powers of an authority. <br />(a) The charter may confer on the regional solid waste management authority any or all of the <br />following powers: <br />(1) To apply for, accept, receive, and disburse funds and grants made available to it by <br />the State or any agency thereof, the United States of America or any agency thereof, <br />any unit of local government whether or not a member of the authority, any private or <br />civic agency, and any persons, firms, or corporations; <br />(2) To employ personnel; <br />(3) To contract with consultants; <br />(4) To contract with the United States of America or any agency or instrumentality <br />thereof, the State or any agency, instrumentality, political subdivision, or municipality <br />thereof, or any private corporation, partnership, association, or individual, providing <br />for the acquisition, construction, improvement, enlargement, operation or <br />maintenance of any solid waste management facility, or providing for any solid waste <br />management services; <br />(5) To adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business and to <br />