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Chapter 153A ATTACHMENT 3 Pagel of 67 <br />Article 22. <br />Regional Solid Waste Management Authorities. <br />§ 153A -421. Definitions; applicability; creation of authorities. <br />(a) Unless a different meaning is required by the context, terms relating to the management of <br />solid waste used in this Article have the same meaning as in G.S. 130A -2 and in G.S. 130A -290. As <br />used in this Article, the term "solid waste" means nonhazardous solid waste, that is, solid waste as <br />defined in G.S. 130A -290 but not including hazardous waste. In addition to the meaning set out in G.S. <br />130A -290, the term "unit of local government" means the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians in <br />North Carolina. <br />(b) This Article shall not be construed to authorize any authority created pursuant to this Article <br />to regulate or manage hazardous waste. An authority created under this Article may manage sludges, <br />other than a sludge that is a hazardous waste, under rules of the Commission for Public Health and <br />criteria established by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the management of <br />sludge. <br />(c) Any two or more units of local government may create a regional solid waste management <br />authority by adopting substantially identical resolutions to that effect in accordance with the provisions <br />of this Article. The resolutions creating a regional solid waste management authority and any <br />amendments thereto are referred to in this Article as the "charter" of the regional solid waste <br />management authority. Units of local government which participate in the creation of a regional solid <br />waste management authority are referred to in this Article as "members ". <br />(d) As used in G.S. 153A- 427(a)(24), the term "transferred" means placed at or delivered to any <br />(i) place normally and customarily used by the authority for the collection of solid waste, (ii) other place <br />agreed upon by the generator or owner of recyclable materials and the authority, or (iii) facility owned, <br />operated, or designated by the authority. (1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 888, s. 1; 1991, c. 580, s. 2; 1991 <br />(Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 932, s. 4; c. 948, s. 1; 1997 -443, s. 11A.123; 2007 -182, s. 2.) <br />§ 153A -422. Purposes of an authority. <br />The purpose of a regional solid waste management authority is to provide environmentally sound, <br />cost effective management of solid waste, including storage, collection, transporting, separation, <br />processing, recycling, and disposal of solid waste in order to protect the public health, safety, and <br />welfare; enhance the environment for the people of this State; and recover resources and energy which <br />have the potential for further use and to encourage, implement and promote the purposes set forth in Part <br />2A of Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the General Statutes. (1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 888, s. 1.) <br />§ 153A -423. Membership; board; delegates. <br />(a) Each unit of local government initially adopting a resolution under G.S. 153A -421 shall <br />become a member of the regional solid waste management authority. Thereafter, any unit of local <br />government may join the authority by ratifying its charter and by being admitted by a unanimous vote of <br />the existing members. All of the rights and privileges of membership in a regional solid waste <br />management authority shall be exercised on behalf of the member units of local government by a board <br />composed of delegates to the authority who shall be appointed by and shall serve at the pleasure of the <br />governing boards of their respective units of local government. A vacancy on the board shall be filled <br />by appointment by the governing board of the unit of local government having the original appointment. <br />(b) Any delegate appointed by a member unit of local government to an authority created <br />pursuant to this Article who is a county commissioner or city or town alderman or commissioner serves <br />on the board of the authority in an ex officio capacity and such service shall not constitute the holding of <br />an office for the purpose of determining dual office holding under Section 9 of Article VI of the <br />http: / /www.ncga. state. nc. us /gascripts /statutes / ?statute = l 5 3 a <br />3/26/2013 <br />