Orange County NC Website
will be for all children and adults who need assistance to receive Medicaid services. These <br />changes will actually increase the funding available across the state to help with coordination for <br />all Medicaid cases, although it will adversely impact counties like Orange which had programs <br />directed toward children in schools. Officials from the North Carolina Department of Health and <br />Human Services have indicated that the program will transition on July 1, 2014. <br />There are currently seven Social Worker II's employed by DSS to work in the Orange County <br />Schools and there is one vacant position. Since the financial incentive no longer exists for DSS <br />to provide this service, OCS has indicated its intent to provide the service directly thus ending <br />this contract effective June 30, 2014. <br />The annual cost of the contract is up to $692,283 for all direct and indirect costs related to this <br />program. This cost is based on the federal cost allocation plan at DSS which requires that all <br />administrative and supervisory costs be allocated proportionately to direct staff and their <br />programs. This also allows for the calculation of the correct costs to be billed to Medicaid. <br />When there are vacancies DSS adjusts the billing to the schools accordingly. In 2012 -2013 <br />Medicaid contributed $234,138 and the schools provided $387,192 of the total costs of <br />$621,330 for the year. The cost for each staff position without inclusion of administrative and <br />supervisory costs is $62,810. <br />Orange County DSS must develop a plan for addressing the employment of the seven social <br />workers currently on staff by either providing ongoing employment after June 30, 2014, or by <br />developing a Reduction in Force plan. Due to the timing of this change and the need to provide <br />timely notice to the impacted staff, this item could not be deferred until the budget decisions in <br />June. <br />Currently there are two vacant Social Worker II positions at DSS that had been advertised but <br />held awaiting the outcome of this issue. In addition, the budget developed by DSS included two <br />new Social Worker II's to work with adult services and child welfare utilizing funds from the new <br />Medicaid funding source. Given the current workload at DSS and the value placed on <br />employees by the County, DSS is recommending continued funding of all seven social workers. <br />Four would be assigned to the four positions described above. The remaining three would be <br />assigned to assist with some of the high need areas including employment, homelessness, <br />justice programs, emergency assistance and other programs addressing the needs of low <br />income families. If the current employees vacate any of these three positions within the next <br />year, the positions would not be filled without prior approval of the BOCC. <br />Given that the budget for next year will not be approved until June, DSS recommends that this <br />plan be approved now so that plans can be made for the employees without the development of <br />a Reduction in Force plan. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The salary and benefit cost for the seven positions is $439,669, and the <br />reduction in cost for eliminating the two vacant positions is $113,516. Additional revenue <br />anticipated in next year's budget for the positions that will be able to utilize the new Medicaid <br />program is $123,600, with the net County cost of $202,398. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board fund the current seven <br />Social Worker II positions at DSS in Fiscal Year 2014 -2015 and eliminate two vacant positions <br />at DSS effective July 1, 2014. <br />