Agenda - 05-08-2014 - 6j
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-08-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-08-2014 - 6j
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Last modified
6/2/2015 12:35:28 PM
Creation date
5/2/2014 3:21:47 PM
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Budget Sessions
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 05-08-2014
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OCES Strategic Plan -2014 <br />Vision Development <br />Vision is the picture of how our world will be if we are successful in our work. It is the end state of <br />where we want to be if there are no roadblocks or pitfalls in our way. It was developed in a <br />collaborative effort with everyone in attendance during the first planning meeting. <br />SWOT Analysis <br />By performing a SWOT analysis, we explored possibilities for new efforts or solutions to-existing <br />problems. The SWOT analysis guides us to making decisions about the best path for our initiatives, helps <br />in determining our priorities and possibilities, and helps determine where change is possible. The SWOT <br />analysis was performed both internally and externally. The internal analysis helped us plan for the future <br />by identifying how our organization operates right now. It revealed trends, irregularities, limitations, and <br />opportunities. It was performed by brainstorming the S -W of SWOT, listing out or actual or perceived <br />strengths and weaknesses. The external analysis helped us understand how our organization is <br />perceived externally and what potential factors may affect our future. External factors included things <br />like the economy, funding trends, demographics, social factors, technology changes, politics, regulatory <br />factors, and public or stakeholder opinion. The external analysis was performed by recalling emails, <br />conversations, and other feedback from stakeholders as part of the O -T of SWOT. <br />Mission Statement <br />Each Division's mission statement is at the core of why we do the work we do. They identify purpose <br />and may include some strategy reflection. Crafting good mission statements was challenging. By <br />understanding our Vision and identifying why we do what we do to reach the "end state ", our mission <br />statements help formulate our goals and objectives in the Strategic Plan. Each Division within OCES has <br />their own mission statement in-support of our Vision. <br />Goals and Objectives <br />Goals are a clear statement of the mission, specifying the accomplishments to be achieved if the mission <br />is to become real. Goals are outcome based and not process oriented. They clearly state specific and <br />measurable outcomes /changes that can be reasonably anticipated as we move toward our "end state ". <br />Objectives are even clearer statements of the specific tasks and activities that will be required to achieve <br />the goals. They are stated in ways that describe what we will do, and in some instances how we will do <br />it. Our objectives address the difference between where we are ( "current state "), and where we want to <br />be (our Visions "end state "), by spelling out what we will do to get there. We tried diligently to make <br />our objectives SMART: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Timely. <br />Approach <br />The approach is a narrative section in the strategic plan where we will spell out and justify our choices <br />about goals and objectives. It explains to the layperson why we chose the path that we chose. The <br />Approach also includes data collection from our action plan that will enable us to determine what is <br />working and what is not (are we being successful). OCES will evaluate our strategic plan at least <br />annually, with a new plan anticipated to be created or significantly revised every five (5) years. <br />Development Process <br />
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