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Orange County — Buckhom Mebane EDD — Phase II <br />Contract Amendment #2A (REVISED LETTER) <br />04 -22 -14 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />as provides gravity sewer north of the Norfolk Southern Railroad for Efland and developable land on the <br />north and south sides of 1-40 /1-85. <br />Detailed Scope of Services — Cost Estimates <br />Therefore, we propose to amend the original contract dated November 4, 2010, and prior approved <br />amendments, to add additional surveying services; final engineering design; and bidding process through <br />the contract award phase of this project. <br />Once the actual construction award is established, then the construction management and inspection <br />phase will be determined. Also, the geotechnical fees and wetlands delineation fees will be included as <br />"not to exceed" fees (Exhibit C: Opinion of Probable Cost). <br />Following are the specific cost estimates for this Contract Amendment #2A including: <br />Expanded Sewer Analysis: $ 46,000.00 <br />Engineering Design / Surveying (ROW Acquisition): $317,000.00 <br />Geotechnical Report Fees (NTE): $ 20,000.00 <br />Wetlands Delineation Fees (NTE): $ 10,000.00 <br />The above fees supersede those contained in Contract Amendment #2. <br />Detailed Scope of Services — Task List <br />The detailed scope of services Task List is defined as follows: <br />Task 1— Desian Survev and Construction Documents: <br />Detailed design will include all the proposed forcemain, gravity sewer, and lift station design and site <br />work. The lift station site will be designed similarly to the Brookhollow Pump Station to provide <br />consistency for Mebane. A third -party electrical engineer will be subcontracted by HUA for the lift station <br />design. <br />• Additional Surveying - as required, based on the new, approved alignment, as shown in the attached <br />Figure 2; <br />• 30% Detailed Design Submission to County (Alignment); <br />• 60% Detailed Design Submission to County (Profiles); <br />• 90% Detailed Design Submission to County (Final). <br />Task 2 — Coordination and Approvals: <br />HUA will coordinate with State agencies, local agencies, and utility companies for all approvals necessary <br />to construct the West Ten Pump Station project as defined by the amended project scope. The <br />anticipated coordination will be as follows: <br />• Monthly /Bi- Monthly Project Meetings as required; <br />• Orange County Project Coordination; <br />• Geotechnical Engineer Coordination; <br />• Environmental Consultant Coordination; <br />• Cultural / Archaeological Survey Coordination with North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office <br />(SHPO) and Orange County; <br />• NCDENR Submissions and Permit Acquisition for: <br />• Erosion and Sedimentation Control, <br />• Sanitary Sewer and Lift Station; <br />• Easement Map Preparation and Survey; <br />• Shallow Utility Company Coordination; <br />• Railway Crossing Submission and Coordination; and <br />• NCDOT Crossing Submission and Coordination. <br />23 <br />