Agenda - 05-08-2014 - 6d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-08-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-08-2014 - 6d
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Last modified
6/3/2015 3:58:22 PM
Creation date
5/2/2014 3:07:53 PM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 05-08-2014
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
RES-2014-029 Resolution Authorizing the Submission of FY 2014-2015 Annual Action Plan for FY 2010-2015 Consolidated Housing Plan
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2014
RES-2014-030 Resolution Authorizing The Orange County 2014-2015 Home Program Design
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2014
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10 <br />these homes were built in Phoenix Place, and 2 of the homes were built in the Fairview <br />Community in Hillsborough. She said despite the bad weather so far this year there are 9 <br />homes currently being built in Rush Hollow, 2 homes in Fairview and 7 homes in <br />Phoenix Place. She said when all of the families are moved into Phoenix Place in late <br />summer, there will be 115 children living in a safe secure environment in which to grow. <br />She said, despite the foreclosure crisis, home ownership is still a good thing for families, <br />and it has a long term positive impact on families and children. Susan Levy, said there <br />has been an increase in demand for the home ownership program over the past 5 years, <br />and there were 300 applications for the 50 homes in Phoenix Place. She said 120 of these <br />applicants met the basic qualifications, which means that 70 qualified families were <br />turned down. She said the majority of the applicants were living in overcrowded <br />apartments and paying more than 30 percent of their income toward rent. She said the <br />owners of Habitat for Humanity homes usually pay less than their prior rent. She said <br />Habitat is also very engaged with the Brush for Kindness program, and 18 families were <br />served in 2013. She said this program will continue to expand. She said Habitat will <br />continue to ask for $250,000 in home funds to support building projects. Susan Levy said <br />that Habitat for Humanity, Home Trust and CASA are all members of a newly formed <br />affordable housing coalition in Orange County. She said this coalition hopes to continue <br />to work with local government to increase the range of local housing options. <br />Commissioner Rich asked what happens to people who are turned down. Susan Levy said <br />these residents are referred to other programs if possible, but there are not a lot of <br />options. <br />Robert Dowling, Executive Director of Community Home Trust, said this <br />community is fortunate to have Habitat for Humanity and Casa. He said more funding is <br />needed in Orange County, and it is unfortunate that each of these organizations is <br />competing for the same few dollars. He said the Waterstone Development is now moving <br />forward on their residential components, and there are plans to develop 24 affordable <br />townhomes. He said this is expected to happen by the summer of 2014. He said this <br />means an increase in the funding he is requesting, and he will be requesting $100,000 in <br />subsidy. He said Community Home Trust has 220 homes in their inventory and 15 more <br />under construction. He said a lot of these are condominiums, and these are starting to see <br />turnover, which means subsidies are needed. He said this is because the income limits <br />today are less than those of 2004, while taxes and housing costs have increased. He <br />thanked the Board for their support of affordable housing in Orange County. <br />Commissioner McKee asked if Community Home Trust could collaborate with <br />Habitat for Humanity and CASA on the project in Waterstone. Robert Dowling said he <br />would look into this. <br />FY 2014 ®2015 Action Plan 5 <br />
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