Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> 1 Chair Jacobs said nothing can be guaranteed until the two boards vote; but residents <br /> 2 can be made aware of where things stand. <br /> 3 Commissioner McKee asked what the time frame would be for this process. <br /> 4 Margaret Hauth said the town would have to develop a calendar. She said there has to <br /> 5 be a public hearing to release those 400 acres, and the County has an obligation to take a few <br /> 6 steps. She said notices could be sent now, noting that the Board appears to not be moving <br /> 7 forward, and specific dates could be provided for the final decision. She said this would allow <br /> 8 time for comments. <br /> 9 Craig Benedict said it would take 4-6 months to release the present ETJ back to Orange <br /> 10 County and assign the new land uses and zoning. <br /> 11 Chair Jacobs thanked the Town of Hillsborough for their collaborative spirit. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 4. Update on Memorandum of Agreement to Protect Archaeological Resources on <br /> 14 Town and County Properties <br /> 15 Margaret Hauth said there is no map associated, per the state's preference that the <br /> 16 location of known resources not be overly publicized. She said there is a draft agreement in the <br /> 17 packet that lays out a few points on sharing information among staffs. She said County staff <br /> 18 was more than happy to house and update the database. She said this agreement will be <br /> 19 brought back to both boards in the near future. <br /> 20 Commissioner Gordon asked about the definition section. She said the cultural and <br /> 21 ecological resources sections refer to "man-made" modifications. She suggested "human- <br /> 22 made" as gender neutral language here. <br /> 23 Commissioner Gordon asked about the significance of the red line on the next page. <br /> 24 Margaret Hauth said this is just from left over track changes that did not get deleted. <br /> 25 Commissioner Price said she has an issue with the difference between cultural and <br /> 26 archaeological being the introduction of European culture. She said this is not in any federal <br /> 27 definition and should be changed. <br /> 28 Chair Jacobs agreed and said he feels the words cultural and archeological could be <br /> 29 taken out. <br /> 30 Margaret Hauth said the point was to distinguish between two different types of <br /> 31 resources. She said within the population of experts there is a difference between archeology <br /> 32 and cultural. She said archaeology is much older. <br /> 33 Commissioner Price said archeology indicates an age of 100 years or more. <br /> 34 Margaret Hauth said there are people who want things preserved from the 40's, 50's, <br /> 35 and 60's, and these are cultural resources. <br /> 36 Commissioner Price said this will need to come back to the Board, and the rest of it is <br /> 37 fine. She said the Board could work with Peter Sandbeck. <br /> 38 Commissioner Gordon suggested the use of a time period. <br /> 39 Chair Jacobs suggested that it might be good to consult the Historic Preservation <br /> 40 Commission and the Alliance for Historic Hillsborough when some of the amenities are <br /> 41 identified. <br /> 42 Mayor Stevens said that might not actually be part of their overview. <br /> 43 Margaret Hauth asked if the Board is directing staff to consult with these two entities. <br /> 44 Kathleen Ferguson said if the area is are not in the Hillsborough historic district then that <br /> 45 would not be relevant. <br /> 46 Chair Jacobs said it would be relevant for the Historic Preservation Commission. <br /> 47 Mayor Stevens said the wording might state the need to consult with appropriate <br /> 48 entities. <br /> 49 Commissioner Gordon suggested this be referred to staff for investigation and brought <br /> 50 back to the Board with recommendations on language. <br />