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16 <br /> 1 is capacity now, but there are some defined limits. He said he understands having some kind <br /> 2 of general agreements, and it is worth a discussion. <br /> 3 Eric Hallman said the water and sewer agreement is used to leverage annexation. He <br /> 4 said this is worth a discussion by our board. <br /> 5 Commissioner Dorosin said there is a line being drawn where water and sewer are and <br /> 6 are not available. He does not understand this additional level of negotiation. He said if the <br /> 7 development is slated to be within the boundary, they are eligible to have water and sewer, and <br /> 8 if they are outside there is no eligibility. He asked if there is some level of subjectivity being <br /> 9 reinserted here. <br /> 10 Craig Benedict said this is more about what parts that will likely never have water and <br /> 11 sewer and which parts could have it. <br /> 12 Commissioner Dorosin confirmed that when you are outside the line, the possibility is <br /> 13 off. <br /> 14 Craig Benedict said just being within the boundary is not a guarantee. He said in the <br /> 15 case of Morinaga there needed to be a formal agreement that Mebane, if it extended utilities, <br /> 16 would maintain them afterward. He understands that no one wants to earmark water and sewer <br /> 17 capacity, but a little more specificity would be good to help keep parties interested and start the <br /> 18 negotiation process. <br /> 19 Margaret Hauth asked if this agreement would not necessarily apply to the entire urban <br /> 20 services boundary, but would focus at the EDD. <br /> 21 Craig Benedict said yes. He said this would focus on the new growth areas. He said <br /> 22 economic development prospects want to know their likelihood of water and sewer. He said <br /> 23 there is an understanding that there are limitations and projects with large usage have been <br /> 24 turned down. He said this would just give more specificity and allow for working within the <br /> 25 constraints. He said the County is working on the Jordan Lake allocation and wants to know <br /> 26 that Hillsborough has water to service the areas within their city limits and ETJ. He said the <br /> 27 County will be asking for Jordan Lake allocations and Hillsborough may also be asking for <br /> 28 allocations. He said the coordinated planning is very helpful in this. <br /> 29 Discussion ensued about colors on the display map for delivery of water and sewer <br /> 30 services. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Chair Jacobs summarized the following discussion points: <br /> 33 • Need to articulate where the boards are stopping and the ramifications of the 400 acres <br /> 34 • Decision on whether to Incorporate in to Orange County's comprehensive plan <br /> 35 • To have a discussion of possible guidelines for water and sewer for economic <br /> 36 development purposes <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Craig Benedict said staff will discuss this. He said, in the CIP for Orange County, some <br /> 39 of the quarter cent sales tax monies are being used to augment the economic development <br /> 40 zones. He said money is earmarked in the later years for the Hillsborough economic <br /> 41 development zone. He said staff would like to know that if dollars are spent in the Hillsborough <br /> 42 EDD, such as running sewer under the interstate, there is likelihood this investment would be <br /> 43 used. <br /> 44 Mayor Stevens said if there are infrastructure investments then there is more to talk <br /> 45 about in terms of outlining expectations. <br /> 46 Commissioner Rich asked who is responsible for telling residents that the ETJ is not <br /> 47 going to happen <br /> 48 Margaret Hauth said she would send update letters to those who received a letter about <br /> 49 the open house. <br />