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15 <br /> 1 Margaret Hauth said the only other task that might need to go forward would be bringing <br /> 2 the town's future land use plan into the County's comprehensive plan. She said this could <br /> 3 happen without changing the homeowners' lives, and it would further memorialize the effort. <br /> 4 Commissioner McKee said he is sensing a change of direction since the informational <br /> 5 meeting held in January, and he is glad for this. He said he spent a lot of time addressing <br /> 6 citizen concerns about this, and the feels the idea being proposed, of moving the land back to <br /> 7 the County, and setting a hold on the area in the south, is the best idea. <br /> 8 Commissioner Price agreed with Commissioner McKee. She noted that there were <br /> 9 some people in Wildwood who may have wanted to be annexed since they wanted urban <br /> 10 services. She said it might be good to check in with these people before this is taken entirely <br /> 11 off the board. <br /> 12 Chair Jacobs said it may be good to have a forum for these particular residents in order <br /> 13 to close the loop. <br /> 14 Margaret Hauth said there has never been a formal request from Wildwood to be <br /> 15 annexed. She said there have been individual inquiries on a regular basis. She said she has <br /> 16 created a spreadsheet that can be filled out to tell people whether it is in their interest to be <br /> 17 annexed. She said it appears that there might be a provision in the Wildwood covenants that <br /> 18 requires an extraordinary majority of residents to even petition the town for annexation. <br /> 19 Commissioner Rich asked what happens to the 400 acres being released back to the <br /> 20 County. <br /> 21 Craig Benedict said this area would have an agricultural/residential land use and zoning. <br /> 22 He said it is in a critical watershed area for Hillsborough's water source, and some of it is Duke <br /> 23 Forest. He said there is not much development potential there at all, and nothing would really <br /> 24 change for that land. <br /> 25 Brian Lowen said he has thought that Wildwood would be a perfect candidate for <br /> 26 annexation, as it already has city water and sewer, and so many residents are paying high city <br /> 27 rates. He said he initiated a meeting with the officers of the home owner's association and this <br /> 28 was cancelled at the very last minute, because so many residents did not want to be in the city <br /> 29 limits. <br /> 30 Commissioner Pelissier said she did not understand Margaret Hauth's suggestion of <br /> 31 incorporating the town's land use plan into our comprehensive plan. She asked what the <br /> 32 advantage would be. <br /> 33 Tom Altieri said Orange County has a jointly adopted land use plan that covers all of the <br /> 34 land area within the town's urban services area. He said this plan has been adopted, but it has <br /> 35 not been fully implemented with comprehensive plan amendments referencing the document. <br /> 36 He said that would need to be done. <br /> 37 Mayor Stevens said the general attitude of the town board is that they are open to <br /> 38 voluntary annexation, but the amount of energy it takes to do that is enormous, and it is not <br /> 39 conceivable at this point. <br /> 40 Craig Benedict said there is an additional step that would be helpful to both jurisdictions. <br /> 41 He said the town has moved from a blurry line to a more specific urban service boundary line. <br /> 42 He suggested the creation of a water and sewer agreement between Orange County and <br /> 43 Hillsborough. He said this would mean if a development proposal comes forward in this area, <br /> 44 there will be a discussion by both entities. He said this could be a staff project, and this would <br /> 45 give some clarity on the clarity to help anticipate water and sewer potential for economic <br /> 46 development projects. He said this will be similar to the Mebane/Orange County agreement. <br /> 47 Chair Jacobs asked if this was an amenable concept. <br /> 48 Mayor Stevens said this is interesting on the surface, and the town is interested in <br /> 49 economic development. He said the town has to pay close attention to capacity. He said there <br />