Agenda - 05-08-2014 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-08-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-08-2014 - 6a
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6/28/2016 7:58:38 AM
Creation date
5/2/2014 2:38:56 PM
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Budget Sessions
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Minutes 05-08-2014
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13 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Margaret Hauth noted that the ETJ has town zoning category, and this does not <br /> 3 line up 100 percent with the County. She said AR in the town and AR in the County may not <br /> 4 mean the same thing. She said the town has R-10 and R-40, and the County has R-1 and R-2. <br /> 5 She said this requires a formal re-zoning process. <br /> 6 Margaret Hauth said before the move forward on this public process staff wanted to ask <br /> 7 the boards is this something they want to do. She said it is important to note that if the town re- <br /> 8 zones the properties coming into their ETJ consistent with the future land use map this will <br /> 9 involve pre-zoning a fair amount of property and putting in districts that will subject it to fairly <br /> 10 intense development. She said this takes away the town's tool of negotiating with property <br /> 11 owners through the special use zoning process. <br /> 12 She said the point of ETJ's is to prep areas for annexation to bring them more in line <br /> 13 with municipal regulations. She said a lot of the areas being added are already developed. <br /> 14 She noted that the Wildwood subdivision is actually developed at a smaller minimum lot size <br /> 15 than the town currently has in its unified development ordinance. <br /> 16 She said the lines of communication are open, and all projects of 5 acres or 20 dwelling <br /> 17 units or more that come within the town's planning jurisdiction are shared with the County <br /> 18 planning department for comments. She said when the County gets a request for a project that <br /> 19 wants water and sewer service in the urban service but outside of the planning area, this is sent <br /> 20 to the town for comments. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Margaret Hauth reviewed the following from the handouts: <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Have we achieved what we wanted to achieve? <br /> 25 • The lines of communication are open between the two planning department staffs during <br /> 26 the development review process. <br /> 27 • The amended Water and Sewer Boundary Agreement memorializes the Urban Services <br /> 28 Boundary and documents the commitment to the boundary. <br /> 29 • Unlike twenty or more years ago, the town rarely approves utility extension agreements <br /> 30 without annexation due to the equity issues regarding paying for the town services used <br /> 31 and to minimize customers that must pay higher out of town utility rates. <br /> 32 • Due to local preferences and amendments to the state annexation laws, the town rarely <br /> 33 annexes using the involuntary process (once in the last 22 years). <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Does the full implementation of the Inter local Agreement achieve substantially more? <br /> 36 ETJ is intended to ensure that new development in areas that are likely to be annexed is <br /> 37 consistent with the development regulation of the annexing community. Recent changes to <br /> 38 the annexation laws reduce the likelihood of the proposed ETJ areas being annexed, <br /> 39 except in the case of major redevelopment. Moving developed neighborhoods into the ETJ <br /> 40 after they are developed provides no protection to the residents of the neighborhood and <br /> 41 adds permitting steps to any project current residents take on (zoning permit from the town <br /> 42 followed by building permit from Orange County—2 locations, 2 fees). <br /> 43 <br /> 44 If the intent of adding areas to the town's ETJ is to ease annexation for neighborhoods <br /> 45 already being served by town utilities (and lowing their utility bills), this will not be effective. <br /> 46 The changes in the state's annexation laws are a much bigger obstacle than the ETJ <br /> 47 location. The town has historically not pursued annexation of neighborhoods under the <br /> 48 involuntary process. The town remains willing to discuss annexation with any <br /> 49 neighborhood or group of property owners interested. The town has also studied the <br />
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