Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> 1 the Hillsborough area and Central Orange County. She reviewed the following timeline and <br /> 2 information from the handouts: <br /> 3 <br /> 4 In 2006, the town and county jointly crafted the Strategic Growth Plan with these 6 goals: <br /> 5 • Preserve and enhance the Hillsborough core area <br /> 6 • Preserve significant cultural and natural resources <br /> 7 • Coordinate growth with water/sewer availability <br /> 8 • Grow in a fiscally-responsible way <br /> 9 • Keep existing businesses healthy <br /> 10 • Assure continuity in public service provision <br /> 11 <br /> 12 In 2009, the town and county jointly adopted an Inter local Agreement to implement the plan. The <br /> 13 term "development" in this agreement is not undefined and is not assumed to match the definition <br /> 14 in the Courtesy Review Agreement. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 In 2010, the Water & Sewer Boundary Agreement was amended to reflect the Urban Services <br /> 17 Boundary agreed to in the Strategic Growth Plan and Inter local Agreement. The USB represents <br /> 18 the area that the town is planning to serve with utilities at some point in the future. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 In 2013, the Town of Hillsborough prepared and adopted a Future Land Use Plan (FLUP) that <br /> 21 envisioned future uses throughout the Urban Services Boundary. This plan is a component of the <br /> 22 town's comprehensive plan. To be consistent with a state law effective in 2006 (NCGS 160A.383), <br /> 23 the town adopts a statement of consistency with each zoning map amendment and ordinance <br /> 24 amendment. This helps insure the implementation of the town's FLUP on a case by case basis. <br /> 25 Amendments that are not consistent with the town's FLUP must have an accompanying request to <br /> 26 amend the FLUP or risk denial. Also in 2013, Orange County adopted the town's FLUP, but did <br /> 27 not formally incorporate it into the County's comprehensive plan. Orange County intends to <br /> 28 integrate the town's FLUP into its comprehensive plan following the implementation of the <br /> 29 Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) amendments. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 What's Next: <br /> 32 We are in the middle of the process of swapping ETJ areas — adding about 600 acres to the <br /> 33 town's area and releasing about 400 acres back to Orange County. A public information meeting <br /> 34 was well attended on January 9, primarily by residents scheduled to be added to the ETJ. They <br /> 35 understandably raised concerns about adding a new layer of regulation without a clear path of <br /> 36 representation. Most of the properties to be added to the ETJ are already developed. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 The Remaining Steps: <br /> 39 1) Following the ETJ swap, the county plans to integrate the Inter local Agreement and the <br /> 40 town's FLUP into the County comprehensive plan. <br /> 41 This requires a robust out-reach and public notification process. Affected properties <br /> 42 plus those within 500 feet of affected properties must receive written notification of <br /> 43 any public hearing by certified mail ($6 per letter). <br /> 44 2) Implement the two types of urbanizing areas as defined by the Inter local Agreement. <br /> 45 • This involves transitioning another 1,000 acres to the town's zoning jurisdiction <br /> 46 through the Hillsborough Urbanizing designation. The notification requirements are <br /> 47 similar and about one half of the affected owners are already developed areas. <br /> 48 • If the town follows its FLUP and essentially "pre-zones" the undeveloped areas <br /> 49 during the transition, it removes an important negotiating aspect of the development <br /> 50 review process from the town's toolkit. <br />