Orange County NC Website
C <br />REQUEST: <br />• Erect individual solar array panels on both properties (52 acres). <br />• Typical array is between 7 and 8 feet in height, with approximately 2 to 3 feet of ground <br />clearance, and approximately 63 feet in length. <br />• Arrays will be screened by existing vegetation and an 8 foot high chain link security <br />fence, topped with 3 strand barbed wire, shall enclose the perimeter of the array to <br />prevent access. <br />REQUEST (Continued): <br />• Gravel paths /drives will be installed around these arrays in order to permit access by <br />Strata Solar technicians to service the panels. In certain areas there will be natural, <br />grass, paths depending on soil. <br />• Vehicular access to the site is restricted by a 24 foot access gate off of Redman Road. <br />• An overhead, medium voltage, power line will be installed along the western portion of <br />the property allowing the proposed facility to tie into the power grid via an adjacent Duke <br />Energy substation. <br />SITE PLAN: Map <br />REQUIRED REVIEW: <br />Project involves the review of a Class A Special Use Permit in accordance with the <br />provisions of Section 2.7 of the UDO. <br />Held in a quasi - judicial format meaning all parties, for and against the application, <br />provide sworn testimony as well as competent material and substantial evidence on the <br />merits of the proposal. <br />Applicant has burden of demonstrating project complies with the provisions of the UDO. <br />REQUIRED REVIEW (continued): <br />Anyone opposing the application is required to demonstrate through sworn testimony <br />and competent material and substantial evidence that the project does not comply with <br />the provisions of the Ordinance. <br />Hearsay or unsubstantiated opinions are not sufficient testimony. <br />If applicant proves compliance with applicable standards, and there is no evidence in the <br />record the project does not comply, the permit must be issued. <br />REVIEW PROCESS: <br />Step One: Review of application at a joint Quarterly Public Hearing by BOCC and <br />Planning Board. BOCC adjourns the public hearing to a date /time certain to receive the <br />Planning Board recommendation. <br />Step Two: Review of application by Planning Board who will make a recommendation <br />on the application based on the evidence and testimony offered into evidence during the <br />public hearing. <br />Step Three: BOCC reconvenes public hearing to receive Planning Board <br />recommendation. No additional public comment/testimony is accepted. BOCC takes <br />action on the proposal. <br />STAFF INITIAL REVIEW: <br />• Applicant has submitted all documentation required for the review of a the solar array <br />(Section 5.9.6) <br />• Applicant has submitted required documentation for a Class A Special Use Permit (i.e. <br />required by Section 2.7.3) <br />