Orange County NC Website
11 <br />You raised concerns about Electro Magnetic Field radiation (EMF). First, EMT is present wherever electricity is <br />in use. EMF is produced by magnets, electric tools, computers, radio and television transmitters, mobile phones <br />and medical devices, for example. EMF strength attenuates rapidly as the distance from the source increases. <br />The closest element of the solar farm to your property, a PV panel, is 150' from your property line. The closest <br />inverter to your property is 300' fi-om your property line. Telecommunications transmitters are co- located with <br />the inverters. <br />The PV panels that make up the proposed solar farm produce a weaker EMF than many household appliances, <br />such as televisions and refrigerators. Inverters, used to convert electricity from direct current (DC) to <br />alternating current (AC), will be located in the interior of the solar farm - the closest is 300' from your property <br />line. Although they do produce EMF, the strength of the field declines rapidly with distance such that EMF <br />measured at the perimeter of the solar cannot be differentiated from background EMF. There will -be no EMF <br />effect upon your property. <br />No particulate matter is generated from our solar farms. The solar panels have no moving parts and are <br />constructed. from solid state materials. During construction, we will adhere to all NCDENR & Orange County <br />requirements regarding air and water quality. <br />The proposed solar farm will have no effect on ground water. We do not excavate the site- our posts are <br />mechanically driven directly into the ground. Trenching depth for wiring is no deeper than 36', well above <br />typical groundwater elevations in the area where we will be building. There are no batteries on -site. <br />In regard to stormwater, our site is located down gradient of your home. Our field run topography for the site <br />tells us your home is at an elevation of 688', draining to the west toward our site. The elevation of the nearest <br />rack on our site is 684'. We do not grade the site, and existing drainage patterns are maintained. Therefore, <br />existing drainage patterns will remain, which convey stormwater from the east (your home) to the west (our <br />site.) <br />I am happy to meet with you on -site if you would like. <br />Thank -you <br />Louis lanonno <br />Strata Solar Development, LLC <br />Site Acquisition and Entitlement <br />919 - 960 -6015 ext. 305 <br />919 - 669 -0693 cell - <br />