Orange County NC Website
9 <br />Chapel Hill — Carrboro City Schools <br />2014 -15 Operating Budget Message <br />When the 2013 -14 operating budget was adopted last summer, it was evident that we would face <br />continued budgetary uncertainty in future years. The General Assembly had just adopted a <br />budget that reduced support for public education and this sent clear signals that another difficult <br />budget process was in store for 2014 -15. <br />As soon as the budget was adopted, the district began to take steps to prepare for the 2014 -15 <br />budget development process. The district has been operating under budgetary spending <br />restraints from the start of the year. The district has also been sharing information with our <br />constituents and reminding our community of our recent history. We have made millions of <br />dollars in reductions, our staff's wages have been stagnant, and we have absorbed millions of <br />dollars in mandated cost increases. Despite these challenges, we have also shared how fortunate <br />we are to live in a community with strong support for public education. Absent this support, <br />things would be much worse. We are thankful for the Board of Orange County Commissioners' <br />consistent support of public education. They, however, can only do so much to offset the <br />significant loss of state revenue. Furthermore, this was the final year of a three year Board <br />strategy to use available fund balance for operational expenditures to avoid further reductions. <br />We began the 2014 -15 budget development process with a $2.2 million dollar budget shortfall <br />since fund balance is no longer available. <br />There were millions of dollars in requests from budget managers to support programs and <br />initiatives in our district. Unfortunately fiscal realities required that we hold the line on nearly <br />every expansion item. The attached budget recommendation is mindful of our current reality and <br />considers input received from the Board planning conference and our discussion at the March 6, <br />2014 Board meeting. We limited our expansion requests to a single item that directly supports <br />the district's new strategic plan and a required need associated with the Culbreth Science Wing <br />addition. We are working with the Board to develop a budget reduction list at various levels to <br />be prepared if the County Commissioners are unable to fully fund our budget. Our requests and <br />possible reductions are described in greater detail below. <br />Local Revenues and Expenditure Chanizes and Recommendations <br />Our official State enrollment project is for 12,353 students in 2014 -15; an increase of 97 students <br />over the current year's State projection. At the current per pupil appropriate rate of $3,269, the <br />projected increase in revenue would be $317,093. An additional $321,692 of revenue growth is <br />estimated from the inflationary increase in the special district tax. <br />The Board's requested budget total is $4,507,262. Deducting the anticipated funding for student <br />enrollment growth and the inflationary increase in the special district tax leaves $3,868,477 <br />unfunded. <br />Mandated Cost Increases and Continuation of Current Services <br />The Superintendent's recommended budget includes mandated cost increases and continuation <br />expenses for medical insurance and retirement match, along with a placeholder for locally paid <br />employees. This wage increase is long overdue and deserved. The current proposed wage <br />1 --1 <br />