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10 <br />increase, however, focuses only on teachers at the lower end of the salary schedule. We do not <br />have any additional information at this time on what might be provided for other employees. At <br />this time we have placed $1,450,000 in our request to fund an increase of our local portion of <br />employees' salaries. We also request $50,000 in local funding necessary to implement the new <br />Read to Achieve legislation and $150,000 to offset a new state sales tax charge on service <br />contracts. An unemployment reserve was approved by state law requiring the district to make <br />payments into the reserve account with a subsequent reconciliation to occur later. We have <br />requested $50,000 for unemployment reserves. We are currently engaged in an Equal <br />Opportunity Schools initiative. We are requesting $30,000 to support this continued equity <br />work. We also request $50,000 in funding to provide for required expenditures for homeless <br />student transportation, translation and interpretation, and 504 services that traditionally increase <br />each year. <br />Strategic Plan Funding/Expansion Requests <br />Our newly approved strategic plan has multiple goals and strategies. As we reviewed all budget <br />requests, we considered their relation to our strategic plan. We are recommending funding for <br />two items at this time. The first is to support Strategy 3.1 which focuses on external program <br />reviews for guidance. To complete an external review of guidance services will require the <br />hiring of an outside contractor and we are requesting $50,000 for this purpose. The second <br />request is for $39,349 to hire an additional custodian to clean the science wing addition at <br />Culbreth Middle School. <br />Flinn RaEanra <br />In 2011, the Board of Education approved a three year plan to bridge the budget gap by spending <br />down the Local fund balance. The district had previously increased the Local fund balance by <br />using the Federal Edu Jobs and ARRA funding to offset Local expenditures. At the time the <br />Board approved the three year plan, it was hoped that we would be able to weather the effects of <br />the Great Recession and hold onto needed positions and services until the economy recovered <br />and revenues returned. While the economy has strengthened, funding for public education has <br />not improved, especially in North Carolina. Last year the General Assembly eliminated the <br />discretionary reduction, but did so by permanently reducing teacher positions, teacher assistant <br />funding, and other supports to schools. This permanently altered the funding formula for teacher <br />positions resulting in the permanent loss of about forty teacher positions and eliminating funding <br />for about twenty -five teacher assistant positions. <br />We do not anticipate significant increases in state revenues on the horizon and this was the final <br />year in our three year plan to spend Local fund balance. Considering that the Board has made <br />millions of dollars in budget reductions over the past 6 years, it will not possible to reduce this <br />fund balance shortfall and not impact programs or positions. <br />As the budget picture becomes clearer, we want our community to know our next steps. Our <br />budget reduction recommendations could include gifted specialist position, media assistants, <br />high school clerical positions, and teacher assistant positions at the elementary level. <br />Unfortunately the state has made significant cuts to teacher assistant funding and our fund <br />balance has been expended. We remain hopeful that we can continue these positions next year, <br />but will be prepared to make reductions if necessary. Many teacher assistants were hired in <br />interim positions this year and we will not permanently fill vacancies until our final budget <br />position is known. <br />1-2 <br />