<br />Title Additional Guarantor Signature
<br />30
<br />Confidential
<br />Date
<br />In addition to the completed application, please submit the following information:
<br />If your company has been in business for at .least'18 months, please submit:
<br />• Personal Financial Statement for any person owning 10% or more of the business.
<br />• Business and Personal Tax Returns for the past two years.
<br />• Business Financial Statements, including monthly cash flow, current year's profit and loss, current balance sheet, and
<br />profit and loss projection for the next two years (monthly for the next year and quarterly for the following year).
<br />• Business Plan, including employment data (projected need for employees, skill requirements, compensation and
<br />benefits).
<br />• Current personal credit report, including credit score.
<br />If your company has been in existence less than 18 months, please submit:
<br />• Personal Financial Statement for any person owning 10% or more of the business.
<br />• Personal Tax Returns for the past two years (business tax return if available).
<br />• Business Financial Statements. If currently operating, please submit financial statements, including monthly cash
<br />flow, profit and loss, and recent balance sheet for the operational period. If your company is not yet in operation, see
<br />financial submittals required in Business Plan, below.
<br />• Business Plan, including employment data (projected need for employees, skill requirements, compensation and
<br />benefits. If your company has yet to begin operations, or has been operating for less than a year, your business plan
<br />must include the employment data (projected need for employees, skill requirements, compensation and benefits),
<br />management resumes, sources of start -up capital, and projected financial statements for at least two years.
<br />• Current personal credit report, including credit score.
<br />if your company has yet to begin operations (or less than one year), please submit:
<br />• Personal Financial Statement for any person owning 10% or more of the business.
<br />• Personal Tax Returns for the past two years.
<br />• Business Plan, including employment data (projected need for employees, skill requirements, compensation and
<br />benefits. If your company has yet to begin operations, or has been operating for less than a year, your business plan
<br />must include the employment data (projected need for employees, skill requirements, compensation and benefits),
<br />management resumes, sources of start -up capital, and projected financial statements for at least two years.
<br />• Current personal credit report including credit score.
<br />NOTE Loan terms and amounts, and documents, including but not limited to financial statements, business plans, customer and supplier lists, description of
<br />inventory or assets, contractual obligations and existing liabilities, submitted during the application process, shall be treated as confidential information.
<br />Additional information may be requested by the Loan Committee.
<br />Please mail or email completed application to:
<br />Orange County Small Business Loan Program
<br />P.O. Box 1177
<br />Hillsborough, NC 27278
<br />or
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