Agenda - 04-15-2014 - 7b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-15-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-15-2014 - 7b
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Last modified
9/30/2014 10:53:54 AM
Creation date
4/11/2014 12:31:24 PM
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Budget Sessions
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-15-2014
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9 <br /> type of fees. Following that recommendation,the Board agreed it did not wish to risk <br /> continuing a practice that was not unmistakably consistent with state law,so the annual rural <br /> recycling fee was eliminated and consideration of alternative financing of the rural recycling <br /> service was initiated After several months of examining numerous funding alternatives the <br /> Board is proposing the Solid Waste Service Tax District to generate the replacement program <br /> funding. About 13,750 residents who were eligible for the service were previously assessed the <br /> fee. <br /> 7 Will the Solid Waste Service District apply to vacant(undeveloped) land? <br /> Yes,the district tax would apply to all taxable property located within the proposed district <br /> without regard to whether structures or homes exist on the property <br /> 8. If the Board chooses not to adopt a Solid Waste Service District and wishes to establish a service <br /> opt-out program what would the estimated cost be for annual curbside recycling service? What <br /> is the scientific basis for the 60 percent estimate of participants in an opt-out scenario?Is there <br /> data or information relating to performance of opt-out programs? Are any of these <br /> participation assumptions based on fact? <br /> Key to estimation of the cost for opt-out service is the assumption made regarding how many <br /> paying customers will remain in the program. If the assumption is that of the current <br /> approximate 13,750 customers only about 60%currently participate,and that of that 8,250 <br /> monthly users 20%(1,650)choose to opt-out as not wishing to pay a service fee,the estimated <br /> annual fee for service would be about$95.45(based on an estimated annual program cost of <br /> $630,000) And if, after a few months,due to the rather high cost of service(compared to the <br /> previous$38/year)another 10%of the 6,600 choose to cancel service,the estimated annual <br /> cost would increase to about$106.00 per year or almost$13/month. Of course there could be a <br /> small number of additional subscribers from current non-participants that could moderate any <br /> fee increases.The 60% basis results from the current participation rate of 57%rounded. <br /> The assumption that 20%of the currently participating 7800 households will leave the system <br /> under voluntary subscription would seem to be an optimistic estimate of how many customers <br /> the program would lose once the fees increased and it was voluntary When fees in Forsyth <br /> County's voluntary program rose from$2.65 a month to$8.65 a month the subscription <br /> declined by 11%from approximately 3,000 users out of 22,000 households(14%) to 2,700 <br /> (12%) Forsythe County most recently implemented a subscription type rural curbside/roadside <br /> recycling program and the Director of the County Office of Environmental Assistance and <br /> Protection stated"I would definitely expect and predict that if recycling collection service is <br /> made available on a voluntary subscription basis as a stand-alone service,you will be lucky to <br /> have a 25%participation rate" <br /> Experience in other governmental jurisdictions (states and NC county's) provides convincing <br /> evidence that many property owners will choose not to participate,which will result in <br /> increased costs for those who do participate. Economies of scale exist in recycling collection <br /> services like most other programs and services, meaning that the more property owners that <br /> join in funding a given service results in a reduced cost per each service unit. Alternatively, as <br /> the number of fee payers is reduced,costs increase for each remaining participant. A NCDENR <br /> Environmental Specialist has spoken previously to the BOCC,as well as other recycling <br /> professionals,who have indicated the weaknesses of the so called "opt-out"or subscription(fee <br /> for service)type recycling program. According to the DENR Environmental Specialist the eight <br /> 2 <br />
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