Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> Frequently Asked Questions <br /> Proposed Solid Waste Service Tax District <br /> Devised April 4,2014 <br /> 1. What is a SDI id Waste Service Tax District? <br /> It is a defined geographic area of a county where specific solid waste related services are <br /> provided and whose property owners fund the service through a tax that is set at a rate that will <br /> finance those defined services. <br /> 2. What isthe SDI id Waste Service Tax District that is being proposed by the Board of County <br /> Commissioners? <br /> The Board of Commissioners is proposing a service district that would provide for every other <br /> week curbside/roadside recycling collection. The proposed district does not include waste/trash <br /> collection,only recycling. This service was previously funded by a$38 annual RAral 3-R Fee that <br /> was billed on the annual tax bill, but that fee was eliminated following the 2012 Tax Billing. The <br /> service district is being proposed to replace the rural recycling program funding previously <br /> provided from that fee. The proposed service district will expand this recycling service to about <br /> 1,600 additional residents beyond the 13,750 householdswho are currently eligible for this <br /> service. The district would not include municipalities. <br /> 3. What if I don't recycle or take my materials to a Eblid Waste Convenience Center? Is there an <br /> option whereby a property owner can opt-out of thisservice? <br /> The SDlid Waste Service Tax District, aswith the previous RAral 3-RFee, does not provide an <br /> exemption or opt-out option for those residentswho choose not to use the service. All taxable <br /> property that is included within the district would be assessed the district tax. Aswith property <br /> taxes in general,there would be no opt-out option. <br /> 4. 9nce I received a notice of a Public Hearing doesthis mean that my property will be included in <br /> the proposed district? <br /> Yes. If you received this notice your property,or if you own multiple properties, at least one <br /> property you own is proposed to be located within the district. If more than one property is <br /> owned only those located within the proposed district would be subject to the district tax. <br /> 5. How much will I have to pay through a district tax? <br /> The district tax rate will beset to generate funding for the every other week recycling service. It <br /> is currently estimated that the tax rate would beset at approximately 1.5 cents per$100 of <br /> assessed value. This would mean a property with an assessed value of$100,000 would pay$15 <br /> per year. <br /> 6. Why not continue charging the F Ural 3-RFee of$38/year? <br /> The County Attorney and the County Manager recommended to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners last year that the Board abolish the RAral 3-RFee due to some uncertainty with <br /> regard to the fee being wholly consistent with state law authorizing counties to assess these <br /> 1 <br />