Orange County NC Website
34 <br /> 1 Commissioner Price said she believes another concern about the drive-throughs was the <br /> 2 concern of car stacking and all of the associated fumes. <br /> 3 Perdita Holtz said that was a concern in the County, but the concern specific to this plan <br /> 4 was about the proliferation of fast food restaurants on Highway 70. <br /> 5 Commissioner Rich said she remembers this as one of the first things that came before <br /> 6 the Board when she came on, and she didn't have a lot of information. She said her concern at <br /> 7 that time was calling things urban when there are no sidewalks being put in. She said she still <br /> 8 has concerns with calling things urban, when there is no way for people to use their feet to get <br /> 9 there, because there are no sidewalks. She is unsure of why the word urban is used in these <br /> 10 settings. <br /> 11 Perdita Holtz said the growth management systems map adopted in 2003 calls areas <br /> 12 rural designated and urban designated, and this is in one of the urban designated areas. <br /> 13 Commissioner Rich questioned whether this is really urban. She said the County is just <br /> 14 creating an area where people are being allowed to build density. <br /> 15 Perdita Holtz said it depends on your definition of urban, but this is creating areas where <br /> 16 people can not only build density, but can put non- residential uses. <br /> 17 Commissioner Rich said you can't walk there; you have to drive your car there. <br /> 18 Perdita Holtz said it is true that you cannot walk there on a sidewalk. <br /> 19 Commissioner Pelissier said the difficulty is that this is just a small area compared to an <br /> 20 urban area like Chapel Hill or Carrboro. She said, even in Chapel Hill, 15-501 by-pass is in an <br /> 21 urban area, but there are no sidewalks. She said it is difficult because of the scope of what is <br /> 22 being looked at. <br /> 23 Commissioner Rich said it might just be her getting stuck on the word urban; but when <br /> 24 these overlays are done, there are all these districts of overlays that are supposed to be urban, <br /> 25 but none of them connect. <br /> 26 Perdita Holtz said the small area plan is supportive of having a sidewalk network, but <br /> 27 right now, counties in North Carolina have trouble providing, funding, and maintaining <br /> 28 sidewalks. She questioned whether you hold this up just because sidewalks can't be provided <br /> 29 right now. She asked if development regulation should be kept in place that sometimes requires <br /> 30 a buffer of 100 feet, when lots are only 100 feet wide; or if the County should implement <br /> 31 something that is good for development now, and the sidewalk issue will continue to be worked <br /> 32 on. <br /> 33 Commissioner Rich said she understands that, and if the County will be forward thinking <br /> 34 and work toward sidewalks, then she is fine with this. She just doesn't want to approve an <br /> 35 urban overlay and then that's the end of it. <br /> 36 Perdita Holtz said this is just one aspect of implementing the small area plan, and there <br /> 37 is still more to do. She said keeping sidewalks and bike lanes in mind is part of the plan, and it <br /> 38 is something she thinks Orange County will do when the time is right. <br /> 39 Commissioner McKee referred to the statement on creating non-conforming uses. He <br /> 40 asked how "operating in the manner in which they are currently operating" will be defined. He <br /> 41 said he is aware of multiple parcels of property where new regulations prevent expansion of <br /> 42 existing business. He is concerned that this is what will happen here. <br /> 43 Perdita Holtz said this would create non-conforming uses if someone wanted to expand <br /> 44 their businesses. <br /> 45 Commissioner Price asked if there would be a time limit for a non-conforming business if <br /> 46 there is a change in ownership and a gap in use. <br /> 47 Michael Harvey said there is a time limit of 6 months within any 180 day given period. <br /> 48 Greg Andrews said he lives in the Efland Community and he owns a business in the <br /> 49 proposed overlay district. He said he is also here in part to represent the Efland Ruritan Club. <br /> 50 He proposed a public hearing in the Efland community. He said there are a lot of elderly folks <br /> 51 who cannot come sit at this meeting for 3 or 4 hours to get to this part. He said he would like to <br />